Chapter 4: Old Wounds

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"And that Winston, is the brilliant plan that (Y/N) came up with." Tracer says to the scientist. The three of you are gathered around a large scale map of the sector of the city you are holding up in. 

"The hard part was finding a large enough area for the all of the drop ships to pick everyone up. The docks are only about a mile away and they have more than enough room to preform the pick up. Plus the ship's ability to convert to water transport will be a bonus." You tell Winson. He beams a smile at you. 

"This is brilliant (Y/N)! I will be getting into contact with Jack back at the headquarters and he start readying the ships. We will call a briefing tomorrow morning since it is near 6 pm now. I am going to go rest up after the long flight. I will see you two around." He says with a smile. Winston lumbers out of the room as you stare at the map some more.

"Sooooo what are you gonna do this evening?" Tracer says poking you in the stomach.

"Well I am probably going to go through this plan a few more times, then I am going to probably grab some dinner, work on my gear for a bit, get a workout in, and then head to bed." you tell her.

She stares blankly at you. "Aren't you forgetting to do something? With someone? She specifically asked you to come over and see her (Y/N)."

"What if she was just being nice and I don't want to bother her.." Tracer grabs you by the arm and starts dragging you behind her. You hear her mumble something around the likes of "stupid men I swear everytime..".

"Hey what the hell?" Tracer continues to drag you down the hall and knocks on a door. Her door.

"Tracer no stop do not no!" She keeps knocking until you hear movement behind the door.

"Have fun love." she giggles to you.

Tracer blinks away down the hall, gives you a grin and a wave, and then she is gone around the corner. Brigitte answers the door and brushes her hair out of her face. "(Y/N) you are finally free?" she asks as her eyes light up.

"Hey Brig yeah we got everything squared away and ready to go for next week. Now we just have to prep all of the gear and wait around for the next few days." She smiles at you. That same smile that stole your heart when you first met her. 

"Hey so you want to come in? I was just gonna tweak some of my armor. You want to give me a hand? Besides I can show you some of the cool things my father has been working on" she asks you.

"Umm uh yeah that would be great." you say as you awkwardly rub the back of your neck. She giggles and grabs you by the arms, pulling you to a workbench to show you what she has been working on. 

A few hours past

'Holy is almost eleven." You say looking up from a blueprint that Brigitte's father had been working on to improve his turret. 

"Yeah we were working for a while huh? Hey you wanna hangout and watch some movies on my laptop for a bit? I had some downloaded for the flight and just general down time since I knew we would be waiting around for a bit."

"Yeah sure that would great" you say. The movie starts, but it is mainly background noise in the room as Brigitte starts asking you about the recent months.

"So, based off of all that you have said, you have basically become the symbol of hope for the people of Seattle? (Y/N) that is so cool!" she says with her eyes gleaming at you.

"I mean I guess that you could say that. I was just doing what anyone else would have done. I saw people in need, and simply helped them like I always have."

Each Other's Shield: Brigitte x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now