Chapter 15: Egypt Part One

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Outside of Cairo, Egypt in an abandoned neighborhood. 11:30 pm.

The outline of the drop ship slowly became smaller as you watched it fly away into the night sky. The cool desert wind started kick up sand and chill you as you throw your pack onto your shoulders.

"Let's move people! Come on we have about a two mile long hike to the city limits." Amari starts to trek off to the neighborhood that lays off in the distance. You feel Brigitte intertwine her fingers with yours.

"Lets get going (Y/N)!" Her voice is full of enthusiasm and her hazel eyes are bright in contrast to the dark night sky and you could sense her beautiful smile behind her protective head wrap. The two of you head off with the others and make your way to the city.

Once you reach the city, Ana turns to all of you.

"Stick close to me, patrols have been out in full force lately and if they catch us we will be shot on sight. Stay low, stay to the shadows, now lets get going." The group of you start to slowly creep your way through the city and work towards one of Ana's safe houses that she has set up. As you all are about to round a corner, Ana signals for you all to halt and calls for you to come to the front.

"We have two of them ahead of us in this alley. You take the left one, and have Genji go with you to take the one of the left." You peak around the corner and see two plain clothed gunman conversing in the middle of the alley. Genji works his way up to you and has his wakizashi in hand while you twirl your hatchet in yours. "I am going to kill the lights when you both get close. Now move." Genji makes his way to the other side of the alley and both of you hug the wall to stay in the shadows as you both prowl towards your prey. Ana gives the signal to strike by way of taking the light out and you and Genji both take out your targets. 

"A little slow on the strike their buddy." He says to you with a chuckle as he sheaths his blade. You wipe of the head of you hatchet and give him a smirk.

"Yeah well some of us don't have cyber augmentations to cheat with." You say as you give him a punch on the shoulder. He gives you a laugh as the rest of the group makes their way up to you.

"Come on, the safe house is just ahead." Ana commands with a stern tone. The two of you hide the bodies as take off with the rest of the group.

"Here we are, home sweet home." The door swings open to an apartment complex that is dark and rundown. "The first two floors are populated by civilians, and the third floor is where we will be staying." She tosses a set of keys to all of you once the group reaches the top of the stairwell. "Rest up and I will see you all in the morning for a debriefing on how we will run this operation." 

"Let's go, I am beat." Brigitte says to you as she takes your hand and starts to lead you to the room. The two of you reach the room and start to unpack your gear.

"Could you crack open a window? It is getting kind of stuffy in here." Brigitte asks as she is sorting through some gear. You open the windows and then make your way out of the sliding door and stand on the small balcony that hangs over the street. Brigitte comes up behind you and wraps her arms around your waist and rests her chin on your shoulder.

"Ana told me that Talon has been operating in the smaller, more poor areas that surround Cairo so that they can gain a foothold before reaching the Temple of Anubis. The understaffed and under-equipped police forces rolled over easily and the leaders of Cairo have refused to send help since they do not view it as a "necessary action"."

"But why would they not try to act on this? It is Talon, and Null Sector as well. Wouldn't they want to try to stop and threat before it escalates even more?" She asks.

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