Chapter 8: Preparation

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Bit of a shorter chapter for y'all today. I have been busy with finals, but expect more content now as break is here for me. I also have been debating doing other shorter stories that are non-Overwatch so let me know if you all would be interested in that. Thank you all for reading and have a great day!

You sit in the war room, twiddling your thumbs as you look at the clock. 8:55 am, Morrison would be here any minute now. You are chatting it up and drinking some coffee with some of the other agents as you hear the door slide open and footsteps enter the room.

"Everybody sit down. Briefing is beginning shortly." He says as he walks over to the podium and taps away at the computer. He waits for the room to fall to silence, then begins the briefing.

"As seen in Seattle, Null Sector has amassed a rising force and new units that we have not faced before. The quick thinking of (Y/N) and Brigitte allowed us to take down the unit, but we may not be so lucky next time, plus there may be more than one of those units as well." He clicks to the next slide. "We have received reports of massive energy surges coming from the Canadian Wilderness near Vancouver. We will be sending in a strike team to do recon on the area and assess the threat that is at hand." He steps forward and passes manila folders around the table. "Read through these and get familiar with your role. You will be leaving in three days. Meeting dismissed." With no questions taken, the old soldier exits the room. You stare at the folder in front of you. "Overwatch" is printed in big bold letters across the top. You thumb through the folder and skim over some of the pages. 

"(Y/N)! Are you ready for your first mission with Overwatch!?" Reinhardt booms out as he clamps down on your shoulder from behind. 

"Um..yeah yeah I think so." you say with a slight timidness in your voice.

"What the hell are you so worried for?" McCree says from across the table. "You have been training for this for your whole life. Plus, that little rebellion you pulled together and that display you put on in Seattle proved a lot to the commander. He knows you are ready."

"Besides," Brigitte says as she grabs you hand and smiles at you, "we will all be with you. Just do what you do best and we will all be fine."

"Yeah I...I just don't want to let the name of Overwatch down." you say.

"Listen buddy. We are basically an illegal group right now so there is no name to really uphold." the cowboy says with a chuckle. You half smile to yourself and take a deep breath.

"Yeah...yeah you are right." you say with a voice that is regaining confidence. You turn to Reinhardt. "Old man, let's get a sparring session in." Both you and him are taken back at first by your new found confidence as shock comes across his face, but it then turns to a smile.

"Haha! Let's see if you are better than your old man!" he chuckles out as you two head to the gym.

Day of the Mission. Time till departure: 3 hours

The group sits around the mess hall table and chows down on the pre-mission breakfast that had been prepared for you. The group shares stories and laughs as the clock ticks down till it is time to depart. After a while, members slowly start to break off from the group and head to prep their gear. You stand up and stretch before you head down to the workshop to tweak your armor before it is time to leave.

The loud sound of a hammer clangs out as you make sure that your armor is in good shape after the beating it took back in Seattle.

"That is the fifth time you have worked on that piece this week." you hear come from behind you. You turn to see the short Swedish man Torbjorn standing in the doorway. He trots over and hops up onto the stool next to you so he can see what you are working on. He runs his hands along the smooth backside of the back plate that you had been working on.

"Your father did well with this one. Good to see that he used the technique that I showed all those years ago." he says with a half smile. He turns to the heap of gear that is sitting next to you and pulls your sword out of it. He runs his fingers along the sharp blade and starts to test its balance. 

"He pulled it off...that crazy son of a bitch haha." You look quizzically at him as he turns to you. "Your father and I had been tinkering with the idea of this sword all of those years back. I am glad to see that he was able to pull it off and that he was able to give it to you."

"Thank you, Mr. Lindholm" you say to him with a hint of nervousness in your voice.

"Look...(Y/N)...I know what is going on. She would talk about you all the time and now that you two are together again after the recall, I knew that it was bound to happen." he turns and scowls at you. "All I ask, is that you keep my baby girl safe. I have spent years making sure she is protected and now I don't want some knight in shining armor to think he is invincible and get some people killed along the way." he grabs you by the collar of you shirts and drags you down to his face, hot breath being huffed onto you. "You keep her safe or so help me god I will make you regret it."

"Umm...uh...yes sir sir." you stammer out. He lets out a deep laugh and lets you go.

"I am just messing with you (Y/N). But keep her safe, that I am serious about."

"I will sir, I will make sure she gets home." he hops down from the stool and starts to head out of the room.

"You better get ready." he says as he leaves, "Your ship leaves soon!"

Time till departure: 30 minutes

The hanger is filled with the sounds of machines and vehicles working and people talking. You sit in your gear cage and slip into your armored pants and lace up your boots. Already in her full battle gear, she peaks her head in with a smile. 

"Hiya!" she says with a bright smile. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah I was just double checking my gear and getting my armor on." you says as you start to slip on your chest piece. You start to struggle and you hear Brigitte laugh at you.

"Need some help there bud?" she asks as you hear her start to walk towards you.

"Umm that would be nice."

"Hmmm I don't know. It is kind of funny to watch you struggle like this." she giggles.

"Brig!" you call out. You hear her laugh more as she tugs down your armor and "accidentally" falls into your arms. She smiles up at you and gives you into a kiss. You pull back and push her hair behind her ear and run your hand through it.

"I heard papa gave you a talking today." she says looking up at you with her twinkling hazel eyes. 

"Yeah...I...umm.." you stammer out.

"Don't worry." she giggles, "He just likes to act like a tough guy. All of my other sisters had to deal with this so I expected the same with you as well, but he likes you don't worry." she finishes, giving you a reassuring smile and hugging you tighter. 

"But what if I can't keep you safe and wha..." you are cut off as she pulls you into a deep kiss, one that makes your stomach flip and your chest feel warm inside. She pulls back and nuzzles into your shoulder with a smile.

"I know you will. And I will keep you safe." she whispers to you. You two hold onto each other as forklifts whiz past and people jog by, you both are not showing a care about anything other than the person in your arms.

"Hey, loves? I would hate to break up this little...umm thing you two got going right now but we got to go." Tracer giggle from the doorway. You both blush as Brigitte runs to grab her mace and you strap on the rest of your gear.

"You two are adorable." Tracer says, still giggling in the doorway of your cage.

"How much did you hear?" you groan to her.

"All I am saying love, is that you will keep her safe." Tracer says as Brigitte arrives back to you two. "Come on you two, let's not miss out flight." Tracer blinks off as Brigitte takes you by the hand and you two run off to the ship. The drop ship doors close behind you as you find a seat. Brig slides into the seat next to you and takes your hand with a smile.

"Next Stop, Vancouver." Athena says over the speakers.

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