Chapter 14: New Faces and New Places

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You stared into the black cup of coffee that sat on the table in front of you. Brigitte was resting her head on your shoulder and Genji was face down on the tabletop, both in a deep sleep. The door swung open and you glance up to see Morrison walk through.

"(L/N), come with me." You gently rest Brigitte's head on the table, grab your coffee, and make your way to him. The two of you work your way through the base until you reach a window that overlooks the courtyard. Morrison stops and looks out, you do as well and notice the few people that are starting their day and glance at your watch tells you that it 5:30 in the morning. You hear the commander take a deep sigh as he rests his hands on the railing in front of the window.

"Ana tells me that there has been a lot of Talon activity in the area around Cairo, Egypt. She has done her best to suppress the smaller forces in the area, but she told me that she is going to need a larger force to put a stop to what is going on. Since we are still technically not allowed to operate in such a way, we are going to need to go with guerrilla warfare on this one." You hear him take another deep sigh and feel him rest his hand on your shoulder, his old eyes staring into yours.

"I am going to need you to be Amari's second in command on this one. You were able to use guerrilla tactics to a great level of success during your time in Seattle and I need you to do it again. Talon is after something, and we cannot allow them to get their hands on whatever that is."

"It would be an honor to serve by her side Commander." you say to him. "I will do my best to make sure the mission is a success." A rare smile comes across his face, one that has been beaten and battered by war and time.

"Just like your old man, I know you will kid. Now, Amari is waiting for you. Together you will select your team and go more into depth about the plan. She is in the war room, do not keep her waiting." He returns to his no nonsense, firm tone. You give him a half smile and start to jog off to meet with the captain.

"You are late." Ana is standing in the room, arms crossed, tapping her foot as she gives you a cold look.

"I..uhhh...the Commander..." you stutter as she starts to laugh.

"I am just giving you a hard time child. Though you are not much of a child as you were the last time I saw you."

"Yeah well it has been a while hasn't it? How has it been seeing everyone again?"

"It has been good. My daughter...I have yet to see her since she was a drunken mess last night, but I assume that I am going to get an earful from her when I do. I admittedly deserve it." she says with a chuckle.

"I am sure she will be happy to see you again. Now, may we please get on with the plan...I am pretty tired Captain."

"Right. So, as Morrison told you, Talon forces have been mobilizing in the area. I do not know if you are aware of it or not, but there is a massive subterranean complex that houses a very powerful AI that could take over and corrupt many omnics if it wished to do so. Talon has once tried to take control of the base, but this time there is something different." she shuffles around a few photos and places one that depicts both Talon mercenaries and Null Sector patrolling the area, engaging with local forces, and harassing civilians that live in the area. Among the photos, you saw a familiar mask that made you fall back into a chair.

"That...that is the...the thing that almost killed me. Talon...and Null Sector...are working together? Oh my god, it all makes sense." You stutter out.

"The locals call him "The Reaper" and my dismay, it seems our two greatest enemies decided that it would be in their best interest to form an alliance of sorts. Now, when my daughter and the rest of her Helix squad were able to take down the Anubis AI, the facility was sealed and Helix forces were set in place to guard the complex. Well, Talon and Null Sector has set up many bases of operation in the city, too many for HSI to pin down. Due to this, they have established a..."secure" perimeter around the sealed entrance."

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