Chapter 16: Egypt Part 2

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"Just be careful out there okay? I worry about you." Brig says as she holds you in a tight embrace.

"Don't worry, I am just going to go and look around the area. I promise I won't get into too much trouble." You say with a chuckle. Brigitte gives you a kiss and lets you go and you start to make your way down the hall and towards the stairs. Outside the dust storm had started to settle down, but it still called for a head wrap and some sunglasses. The hot Egyptian sun beats down on the town as you make your way around the area, looking at the vendors, peaking down alleys, and noting where the disguised Talon agents like to hangout. You patrol around the city and interview locals until later in the day you enter an antique store that is near where you and Brigitte are camped out.

"Ah sir, welcome to my shop! Feel free to look around and I will be happy to help you whenever you need it." A cheery, bearded man says behind a counter as you enter the antique store.

"Thank you, but I actually have some questions for you. I am new around here and I was just wondering what is up with these guys carrying around guns and harassing citizens? Is this a normal thing?" You ask the man.

"My friend, you have come to our city in a dark time. Another game has risen out of the slums and has taken control. This is actually quite normal, but this time they have a death grip on our community...I am nervous that they may not be toppled by another so easily as the others have." The man says with a worried expression on his face.

"I am sorry to hear that sir. It is a shame that such a ruthless group has a hold on your community. Have you had any trouble with them lately?"

"Just some general looting and breaking of my goods. But I keep all of my valuables locked tightly away in the back. Would you like to see them?"

"Eh sure why not. Bring them out." The man goes to the back to retrieve his wares, and you hear the shop door open up behind you and small footsteps come up behind you.

"Papa! I am home papa!" A small boy runs behind the counter and into the back.

"Ah, my son! How are you doing? Here, help me carry this to the gentleman out at the counter." The bearded man and his son make their way back to you, setting a few things in front of you on the counter top. "I hope you don't mind sir, my son just got out of school."

"It is no problem. How old is he?" You say as you start to sort through what the man and boy have placed on the table.

"He is nine now and has been keeping me and his mother busy lately." He says with a chuckle. You continue to look at the objects, but nothing seems to catch your eye.

"My son, how did your report go today." You look up and see the young child running to the front of the room.

"My teacher said that I have to redo it since she does not believe that they are for the good of the people." The child says with a sad expression.

"That is ridiculous! Overwatch is one of the best things to happen to this world! The disbandment of them has left people like us to try to fend for ourselves against all of these criminals. And they wonder why the crime rate has sky rocketed across the world."

"You know," you say as you look down at the child, "I happen to know someone that is in Overwatch."

"Really mister? What are they like?" His eyes beaming up at you.

"Promise you can keep a secret?" The boy frantically nods his head at you. "You are looking at him." His and his father's mouth both drop to the floor as you give them a smile.

"Wha...wha...what are you doing here? In my shop?" The man says.

"Well we noticed the violent activity that has been going on here and someone may have tipped us off that we need to get in here and stomp it out." Just as you say that, the door ironically swings open and four men enter the shop.

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