Chapter One: Hero Rising

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As stated. this will be an intro to who you are and the situation of the world. The cast of overwatch will likely not be introduced for a few chapters (you know...character building and what not). Oh you are also going to be age 23 in this story so just a heads up. ENJOY!

4 Months Ago

"(Y/N) pass me the bacon please. Your mother did an amazing job this morning with breakfast." Your father booms across the dinner table.

"Oh please (F/N) it was nothing." Your mother says with a smile. The three of you lived in Seattle, Washington in a elegant, yet cozy home just outside of the city. Rain trickled down the window as you stared out across the city. Home. Filled with people buzzing about. Traffic flooded the street as cars hurried home to their loved ones. You smiled to yourself. Life had been treating you well so far. After Overwatch was disband, you were finally able to settle down in one place and enjoy your family, but you still yearned for adventure and you would soon get it.

"(Y/N) help your mother with the dishes then meet me in my office."

"Will do old man" you say to your father with a chuckle. His "office" was more of a workshop than anything else. You helped you mother then headed outside to see what your father had in store for you. Hurrying through the rain and into the shed in your backyard, you enter the workshop and see your father staring into the case that holds his armor from his days of fighting.

"Ah (Y/N)," your father says with a smile, "are you ready to continue our little project?"

"Of course! I cannot wait to finally get it done!" You and your father begin to work hand in hand and finish the project. Hammers clank, torch light floods the room, and sweat drips as you and your father work for hours. Finally you both take a step back and admire your handy work. He puts a hand on your shoulder.

"My boy, we have finally done it." he says with a smile.

"I cannot believe the recall is happening and I cannot believe that you are taking me with you"

"Well, the world needs me again, and with how severe threat is, they need you too. Do not worry, all of your years of training will be paying off very soon," he chuckles, "Oh shoot, your mother is going to kill me. I need to go get ready for dinner I will see you later son." He slaps your back and quickly rushes out of the room as you hear your mother calling for him. You step forward and run your hands over the smooth metal that forms your family crest that is proudly displayed at the center of the chest plate, the bear. Stood for power and strength, yet protection and family. You had a tattoo of the same crest on your right shoulder. You smile. You will finally be able to prove yourself. After all the years of your father telling you of his epic tales of when he fought side by side with Reinhardt as a part of the Crusaders and then later with the him, Jack Morrison, and others legends as a part of Overwatch.

You wonder who will answer the recall and wonder if Brigitte will be there. Very few kids your age lived on the base. Too young to accompany your father, you would train and hone your skills waiting for your chance to become a hero. The kids your age that did live on the base were more or less teenage super geniuses who would spend hours working away at lines of code and have very little free time or shared very little of your interests. The only one that ever did was Brigitte. Torbjorn never allowed his daughter to live full time on base, but when she visited over the summers, you two would spend everyday together. Exploring the area around the base, playing pranks on each other, joke sparing in the training room, and, in your case, falling in love with her. Those months when Brigitte visited where some of the best that you can remember during those years. You had finally built up the courage to tell her how you felt, but the fall of Overwatch made you pump the brakes on your plans. You two would share the rare phone call, but living on opposite sides of the world made it difficult for you two to keep good contact with one another. Your father told you that she has been roaming Europe with Reinhardt, so you cross your fingers that you will see her again and that she remained safe.

A boom of thunder shakes you from your day dream. You crack your knuckles, ready to add the finishing touches to your gear.

Gear and skill explanation time (once again...character development) you are going to be a tank/healer combo kind of like Brig and inspiration will be drawn from Reinhardt as well...they are my favorites so I had to

Your armor stood tall and proud. A near mirror image of you father's and Reinhardt's, it was a bit shorter and not as wide as theirs to allow for increased mobility. Against your father's wants, no helmet was built for you to allow for a great field of vision. Your's too came equipped with a shield on your left forearm, but was smaller too once again allow for more mobility. A metal canister hangs on the lower back of the armor. Surging with energy, it would allow a damage and health boost to allies around you as you charged into battle. It also allowed for a massive surge of damage to be sent out in a cone shape when you stabbed your blade into the ground. As for your blade, your father had been tinkering with a prototype and it was finally ready. Although it appeared to be a normal single handed sword, your power pack allowed massive sweeping strikes that could devastate enemies. Your sword was also able to strike enemies through your shield so you would be able to lead the charge with your shield up, yet keep the pressure on the enemies' front line as you led troops into battle. Finally, an armored backpack hangs off the top part of your back. Filled with what seemed like an endless supply of medical gear, it allowed for quick and effective field repairs to humans, omnics, and any sort of armor. Everything was ready. You sigh and sit down, ready to rest for the night. As you close your eyes for a moment thinking about the recall and what the future may hold. You wonder what adventures are in store for you. You wonder if you will finally get the chance to see her again after all of these years. What was first thought to be thunder, echoes again through the night. Car tires screech. Gun shots ring out. Lights break through the grey clouds and flood the city streets. You run outside of the workshop and stare out into the city. Null Sector. They were here. Seattle was under attack and your parents were right in the middle of it all.

Alright everyone! First massive chunk of writing is done and it was super fun to do! Sorry again for the long gear explanation I just really wanted to flesh out what you looked like and your abilities (I really enjoy stuff like that). Let me know of any suggestions you have! Again, the gang from Overwatch will probably not appear until chapter 3, but I will do my best to keep it interesting until then. Just want to make sure there is a solid background to how everything goes down. Cheers!

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