Chapter 19: Home

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I want to apologize that this took so long to come out. For some reason, this was a rough chapter for me to get through and it took me some time to figure out what to do, even though it ended up being something quite simple. I will admit, this chapter is pretty basic and it was mainly used for getting you to Sweden and just kind of move the story along without any real story happening. None the less, I hope you enjoy it. I have a better idea of what to do for the next few chapters and hopefully they don't take a long time for me to get out. As always, thank you all for the support and have a great day.

A few weeks later

"So are you excited for the holidays?"

"Yeah it is going to be great to get sometime to relax and not worry about anything for a while." You reply to Josh as the two of you leave the workout room.

"You could say that again. You are going to Sweden with Brigitte right?"

"Yep. I am excited to meet the rest of her family and then get to journey around Sweden with her while we are there. What are your plans buddy?"

"Lena actually invited me to come back to London with her for the holidays." He says with a smile. The two of you chat the rest of the way back to your rooms.

"Wait here, I will be out in a second." You leave Josh waiting outside of your room and grab the box that is sitting next to the door. "For you buddy." You say as you hand it to him.

"(Y/N) you didn't have to."

"Oh just open it." He cuts open the box and pulls out the contents. "It is a little something that Brigitte and I have been working on for you. It should fit like a glove." Josh holds the piece of chest armor up.

"It is amazing! Thank you so much." He gives you a hug and continues to examine the chest piece.

"Light weight, extremely durable, and should stop most small arms fire that you come into contact with."

"(Y/N) I don't know what to say. Oh my god I didn't get you anything." You chuckle and place a hand on his shoulder.

"Just have a good time over the break alright? And maybe grab me something nice in London if you want." He punches you on the shoulder and smirks.

"Will do buddy. Well, I have to finish packing quickly before Lena gets here." He quickly looks down the hall. "She is going to be pissed if i am not ready when she gets here."

"Sounds good. I will see you after break." The two of say goodbye before you part ways and you head to your room.

"Better shower quickly (Y/N)! Our ship is going to be leaving soon!" You hear Brigitte yell from the bedroom. 

"Alright, just give me a minute." You say while cracking open the fridge.


"You got everything?"

"Yep! I think I am ready to head home." Brigitte says with a smile before grabbing your hand and giving you a kiss on the cheek. "Are you excited to see Sweden?"

"If it is half as great as the Swede in front of me then I am in for a amazing time." Brigitte blushes and gives you a play punch on the shoulder.

"So know the way to my heart. Now come on, we are going to be late." She drags you out of the room and the two of you head to the loading bay.

"Your father is already there, right?"

"Yep. He left the other day with Reinhardt since they had all of their stuff done." She says as the two of you step into the drop ship.

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