Chapter 12: Training and Surprises

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Sorry about the long time to get this chapter out. I know I said I hoped to get more out quicker, but I just have been feeling a general sense of not being motivated to do anything at all and I don't want to half ass this story for y'all. Hope you all enjoy and have a great day. As always, thank you for the support!

"Hello? Angela?" 

"Ah, (Y/N)! Good morning. Please come in." Angela gets up from behind her desk to greet you as you enter her office in the medical wing. "Would you like some coffee? Pharah brought some extra this morning." she says as she gestures to a side table.

"Sure, I would love some." you say as you pick up a cup and take a sip. "So, what is the plan for today?" The doctor walks back and sits behind her desk and taps away at her computer for a few seconds.

"Well, today we are going to be going over field dressing a wound like what you did on your mission when you saved Pharah and also going over how to properly use a tourniquet. Think you can handle it?"

"Yeah should be a piece of cake." you reply to her.

"Good. Now lets get moving." You and Angela make your way to the training room where you find a collection of around 9 omnics and humans socializing as they wait for the two of you to arrive.

"Everyone! Get to your training dummies. We have a special guest to help us out today. Please give him a warm welcome." Angela says as she introduces you. The group gives you a round of applause as you stand in front of them, slightly embarrassed. 

"Umm...uh...hi everyone, my name is (Y/N). One of the many roles I fill out in the field is that of a field medic like you all are going to be specializing in and as Dr. Ziegler said I am going to be helping you guys out today. Feel free to ask me any questions that you may have."

"Excellent! Now let's get to work. Everyone, the dummies before you have been prepared for the scenarios that we will be running through today. The first one is going to be a basic slash wound. Now, the wound is located on the right outer thigh." Angela continues to speak to the class as you gaze around at the students that are listening to her. All wide eyed and full of wonder as they listen to someone that they idolize, the same way you would when you mother would bring you into the surgical unit when you were a child. 

"(Y/N), do you mind showing us how to properly do that?" Angela asks, cutting you out of the daydream.

" everyone watch closely." The students all look on as you reach into your medical pack and start to put on the demonstration.

3 p.m. 

"Yeah and now you tightly twist this and that will properly cut off the blood flow and stop the bleeding." you say up to one of the students as you kneel next to a bleeding dummy.

"Everyone start cleaning up their stations. (Y/N) and I will be coming around to make sure that everything is in order and will dismiss you." Angela announces.

"Alright, good work today Daniel. Get this cleaned up and I will see you around." you say to the student.

"Thanks (Y/N)! I appreciate the assistance today." the male omnic replies to you as you stand up.

"Hey no problem. I will see you around buddy." you start to walk to Angela, "You know, I got to say these dummies you have are really impressive. The way that they are able to simulate different cut depths and having blood leak from them really adds to the learning experience." you tell her as you wipe up your hands after reaching her.

"Yeah, it was something I have been tinkering with during the time that Overwatch was disbanded. They also have a full skeleton inside so that bones can be broken and students can do the proper procedure for that situation as well. But nothing really beats the real thing. Hopefully they will never have to do so, but if they need to preform a field operation then they will be ready." she says looking out across her students.

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