Chapter 5: For My People

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The next morning

The first rays of sun crack through the window and shine on your face. You slowly open your eyes and peer around your room. Old school overwatch posters and some of your old projects hang on the wall of your former room. You look down and see Brigitte still wrapped around you causing a smile to come across your face. You gently slide out of her embrace and stand up and stretch. Today was finally the day. After making your way to the back door, you head into the backyard and into your father's old workshop.

Entering the workshop, you let out a deep sigh as you look around. All of the unfinished projects and scrap heaps that are lying around cause you to chuckle to yourself. Your father was always jumping from one thing to the next, never keeping his mind occupied by the same project for too long. You look around to see if there is anything that you could quickly grab that would help you during the evacuation today. The workbench is piled high with gear that either needed upgrades or needed to be fully repaired and you start to sort through it all. After sifting through the heaps on the workbench for a while, you sigh and put your forehead onto the metal surface. As you do so, you notice a large, sealed box resting near your feet. You lift it up onto the table and slice through the tape to reveal the contents. Inside lays a hatchet and a note. 

"Refine metal and sharpen- done, install retrieval device on armor - done, reinforce handle - done, balance weight distribution - done". The note appears to be more of a list than a real note. Lifting the hatchet out of the box it feels well balanced. The wood is finished with a dark coating and an elegant design runs along the handle up to the head of the hatchet. The metal gleams in the morning light that is shining through the door. Your (e/c) eyes stare back at you as your reflection bounces off the blade. Your (h/c) is wild and out of place. You twirl the handle around in your hand and catch someone standing behind you in the reflection. You turn and see Brigitte standing in the door smiling at you.

"He must have been making that for you." she says as she leans against the doorway.

"I mean, maybe. It is really cool none the less. Especially something about a retrieval device on armor? It must allow the holder to call back the hatchet." you say as you run your hands along the handle. You recognize the weapon in your hands as your grandfather's that was passed down to him. The once old relic was now turned into a formidable weapon of war.

"Seems like it will be useful in our upcoming adventures." Brigitte says as she wraps her arms around you from behind. "Here I found this in your house and thought that you would like to have it." She reaches around you from behind and hands you an picture frame that holds an old photo of the first day on the Overwatch base. Your mother and father smile back at you as you stare at your family from all of those years ago.

"Those were good times." you say smiling to yourself. You turn to the side and wrap one arm around Brig and hold the photo in the other. You see her out of the corner of your eye looking up at you and smiling and you turn and lock eyes with her and smile. After all of these years, you finally going to say something you should have said long ago.

"Brig...I..." you start to talk until you feel your comm device going off in your pocket. You sigh deeply, pull it out, and are met with the smiling face of Tracer over hologram call.

"Hiya love! How is it going?" she chirps.

"I..uh..everything is great on this end." you say with a tone of annoyance. 

"Hi Brigitte! How are you? Ohhh...oh did I interrupt something?" she giggles as she sees Brigitte still wrapped around you. Brig realizes what she is laughing at and quickly lets go of you. You both blush and hear Tracer start to giggle again.

"We umm...uh.." you start.

"(Y/N) had something in his eye and I was seeing if I could see it." Brigitte blurts out.

Each Other's Shield: Brigitte x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now