Chapter 19

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"Austin?" Asked Liam on the behalf of Louis, who was standing stiff and with wide eyes gazing at Kendrix.

"Yes." Whispered Kendrix and nodded.

Kendrix asked Louis and Liam to have seat first so that he can narrate everything to them.

By Kendrix's statement it was clear to Liam and to Louis that they weren't biological brothers. Although they didn't react to it but deep inside their hearts which pumped for each other were torn apart.

Kendrix sat on the throne like chair and looked up at Louis to explain. Louis was already glaring at him eagerly waiting for him to open his mouth and spill whatever the truth he knew.

Louis was feeling completely devastated because it felt like his whole life was a lie. Nothing around him truly belonged to him. Throughout his eighteen years of existence he was nescient to the world he belonged, the creature he's and the biggest thing he was most depressed about was that he was oblivious about his own parents. Everything around him was nothing but a lie which he assumed was his life. It was all a lie were the only sentence his subconscious mind was screaming inside. The blood running through his veins were cold and his fearful eyes which were fixed at Kendrix couldn't blink.

"Louis." Kendrix started."It's a long story. A story about creation and destruction. A story about love and detest. A story about potent and impotent love." He raised his voice.

"Louis." The great wizard looked straight in the sea-blue eyes of the teenager sitting in front of him."It's a story about war. A war between loves."He whispered with his heavy confident voice.

"A war between loves?" Louis looked down at the floor and whispered.

Liam was wondering the same thing and was thankful to Louis for whispering that question which Kendrix clearly heard and hopefully would reply to. A war between loves? An expression of confusion took over Liam's face after Kendrix spilled those eccentric words out of his mouth. He thought that love unites hearts so, how can there be a feud where there is love?

"Yes." Kendrix replied."A conflict between authentic and selfish love." He explained.

Kendrix walked to his seat and sat on it and looked at Louis.

"Can you explain a bit clearly, Kendrix? My mind couldn't process your words." Louis said honestly to him.

"Rath Bond, the founder of the Golillion was from the earth." Kendrix stated.

Louis's and Liam's eyes widened simultaneously and at the same time both of them asked "What?"

Kendrix nodded and continued "Yes, he was from the earth. Millions and millions of years ago magic used to exist on the earth."

Kendrix's words clearly shocked both of the boys. They didn't speak anything in order to know more.

"People on the earth used to be witches and wizards. They used to live peacefully and happily. They had no stress, no enemy, nothing bad. But who knew that they would destroy their happiness themselves? Everyone wanted to be the most superior one so they started quarreling. The dissatisfaction within them encouraged fighting even with their dearest ones and when they failed to achieve their aim, the dissatisfaction within them converted to anger. And as you know, anger is the biggest enemy and it encouraged them to divide into groups. Everyone except for Rath had a team with the mission to be to be the most powerful and to be the ruler of the world.

Luckily, Rath also had a group of people who were against those fools alike him. They all belonged to the part of the earth were French was spoken. They tried every possible way they could to stop the war but angry mind is the foulest mind you will ever come across. Their anger was now converted into hatred. Now they had so much hatred for each other that gradually, they became heartless person and started killing each other. After seeing so much terror all around, the group of Rath decided to go to a place where they couldn't be found and do penance to the god of the magic. This was the only way left with them to stop the terror as well as to rescue them.

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