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The past couple of days have been hectic, i haven't been going to premiers, or interviews, absolutely nothing. I have been sitting on my couch cuddled up in a blanket watching Netflix.

The other night was insane, going home with a complete stranger. Never thought i would ever do that in my life.

And surprisingly, as expected, i haven't seen that guy since he took me to his place. And honestly i didn't want to.

I mean, they way he treated me in the car and how he forced me out of that place, what is there to like? Well, he is quite pretty I'll say that but other than that i don't like him.

What did confuse me though is how he didn't recognise me. Or even my face. Like i wouldn't like to say that I'm like really famous or anything but i mean?

I need to stop thinking about him, he's just bad news.

When Tate came to pick me up from that hotel, she looked puzzled i know that, she asked questions like:

'Where were you?'

'Why are you here?'

'Where did you sleep?'

'When did you leave?'

Such and such. I gave her the short answer to sum it up. she didn't want to push it any further so she let it slide.

When i got back to Tate and Dawns place that night, my dog, who i brought with me, an adorable little pug, was worried about me. He didn't leave my side as soon as i got back.

My dogs name is Biscuit. Mainly because he looks like one. He is the smallest cutest animal i have ever seen. I've only had him for about a year so fairly new for me.

Right now I'm settled on the couch with Biscuit, and we are in the middle of watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S. on Netflix. and my two temporary roommates are at work. 

I threw my blankets that were rested on my lap off of me and tried to get up. Tried because Biscuit was sleeping on my side.

Trying not to wake him i eventually succeed, and walked over to my kitchen, that wasn't to far away.

I decided that i wanted to make my absolute favourite drink in the world. milo. Which is literally just milk and milo.

I grabbed the cylinder shaped tin, that was placed in my cupboards. I grabbed a spoon from my cutlery draw and opened the tin.

I walked over to fridge about to grab the milk, but then i heard my phone ring from the living room.

The sound of Carly Rae Jepsen singing was blasting through my phone speakers, and i was stupid enough to not turn the volume down or at least on silent mode.

The song 'call me maybe' decided to be pushy and wake up Biscuit, of course. He started barking and i instantly regretted not turning the volume down.

I ran over into the living room and bolted towards my phone, i picked it up and held it under my ear, not really knowing who called because i didn't bother to check.

I started to calm down Biscuit and he started calming down. Once calm i left him be.

"Hello?" I said into my phone as i walked back over to the kitchen.

"Brooke?" The voice i recognised saying a single word through the phone, instantly made me smile.

"Amber! Amber, hey. What's up?" I said excitedly as i opened the fridge.

"Yeah, nothing much, but i do have some great news in store for you," she sang out the last few words.

"Aight shoot," i said pretty eager to know.

I grabbed the milk and closed the fridge. I walked over to the counter and rested my phone in the crook of my neck so it wouldn't fall.

I began to put the milk in the glass as she started talking.

"Sooo you know how you've wanted to get out of the house and do stuff? More like do your job?" like i said, Amber is my manager, also the only person that really understands me. And by understands i also mean my accent, not many people understand it, and she is American so i have no idea how she does.

She is married with a one-year-old son, she's only 4 years older than me which makes her 27. She has been my manager ever since i was 14, when i started my acting career. yes i know.  managing at 18?  she actually quit school early just to get this job.  strange but rich.

On the 5th of June, next year, will be our 10-year anniversary of her being my manager.

"Holy shit, don't tell me you've got one in store for me?"

"You bet your'e sweet little ass i have!"

I couldn't control my happiness, i haven't worked for about week, maybe 2 or 3 and for me that's a long time. since im always busy.

"Omg!  Tell me more about it."  I poured the milk in the glass and sat it down, i grabbed the milo tin and dug my spoon in there and put a few spoon fulls in the glass.

I usually don't mix the milk and milo together but I'm talking on the phone and i did it anyway.

I put everything back where it belongs and walked back over to the couch,  i sat down and started drinking. 

Biscuit was already asleep again, cute little thing.

"Alright so it's not a movie, it's a TV show by MTV.  Its a teen drama 'horror'.  Mainly about supernatural."  I like what i was hearing if i'm not going to lie.

"I like what i'm hearing Amb." Amb was short for Amber in case you didn't know.

"You'll be playing the main characters long-lost sister, her name is Samantha. Samantha was never really part of her family's life, she would always just go on adventures as a child and never really stick with her family. but when she was 3, her farther sent her away without letting the mother know."

I could get used to what i'm hearing.

"Her father was always out of the picture, but is an FBI agent, Samantha isn't a supernatural like most of the characters in the show and never will be.

For the first 1 and 2 seasons of this show, she was never mentioned or seen,  but towards the end of season 2 they started to talk about her. 

Her brother, Scott, is older than her and remembers her from his childhood. But her mother just said she passed away, so he left it.  Non of his friends knew about her though.

She shows up in the end of the first episode of season 3."  amber finished her rant and i was so surprised,  this seems like a big role and i couldn't wait to be apart of it.

I really want this now.

"Damn aight that's a lot to take in.  I really like it.  What's the name of the show by the way?"

"Teen Wolf."

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𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐆𝐄 | Dylan O'brienWhere stories live. Discover now