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"So what do you say? Will you take it?"

I sat there, cup of a cold milo drink in my hands and a sleeping dog next to me. The T.V. With the words 'friends' written on them, another saying 'continue watching'.

There was so much on my mind and i really wanted it but again i still sat there and hesitated.

After a few seconds, i eventually said yes.

Even though i couldn't see her face, i knew she was smiling.

"ALRIGHT! That's wonderful news, i will tell Jeff Davis then." Jeff? Who's Jeff?

"Who's Jeff?" I asked.

"Oh i didn't tell you?"  Tell me what? "Jeff is the man who created the show, without him, Teen Wolf would be nothing." Good to know.

"Alright, so do i need to audition or...?" I asked dragging the last word out.

"Oh no, Jeff said that he's seen your work and is a fan so if he didn't cast you he would just leave Samantha out of the show, she'd be nothing."

"But you said that at the end of season 2 she was mentioned?"

"Yeh but that episode hasn't aired yet, so if he really wanted to he could cut that part out of the script anyway."

"Oh alright, sound great."

"So is that a yes or...?" Dragging out the last word.

"oh absolutely!" i yelled into my phone. "when do i have to go there?"

"Tomorrow."  what.

"Excuse me,  what."  She can't be serious,  can she?

"Sorry, but by you need this and you already agreed, and i just texted Jeff while on the phone to you do you're going. Oh and before i forget, it's at 10am. BYEEE!" Then she hung up on me.

She can't be serious, I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE TO GO! Wait a second she just texted me the address, okay never mind.

If I'm going to go then i have to get a good night's rest.

I get up, turn the T.V. Off and walk over to the sink in my kitchen. I wash the glass of milk and leave it sitting ing the sink, I'll clean it tomorrow.

I walk over to the spare bathroom and at this point Biscuit has already walked in, sitting on the floor asleep.  I wash my face, i brush my teeth and walk back out to the living room and climb into my nice warm bed. that is also Tate and Dawns couch. 

i don't know what to expect for tomorrow. 

。゚₊ ✩࿐。゚

I wake up to the sound of my annoying ass alarm making annoying ass sounds. Non-stop. I turn it off thank god.

The morning sun, shining through my curtains and blinding me in the eyes, making me even more tired.

I groan and get off of the couch, i have a shower and wash my face. I then pick out what i want to wear today.

I pick out some cute light skinny jeans with a blue tank top. I brush my hair and applied light makeup, nothing to fancy. I then slip into my shoes, and head down for breakfast.

I decided to go for a croissant.  because it was the only thing i could find.  After breakfast i brush my teeth and head out the door. After saying goodbye to Biscuit.

𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐆𝐄 | Dylan O'brienWhere stories live. Discover now