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I was awoken by something.  I quickly became aware of my surroundings and opened my eyes to whiteness Hoechlin shaking me awake.  "TODAY IS YOUR PLANE TRIP!  GET UP YOU LAZY ASS!  CHOP CHOP!"  He yelled at me.  Posey must be doing the same for Dylan.

"Alright alright,  Jesus I'm up."  I said slowly climbing out of bed.  I reached for my phone to check the time and it's past 5pm?!  "What the fuck Tyler?"  I said,  he turned his head towards me, 

"What?"  he asked, completely unaware that i need to leave in 2 hours.

"Don't 'what' me.  ITS PAST 5!  OUR PLANE LEAVES IN TWO HOURS!"  I said angrily,  i started to rush around the room trying to get all my things together.  "Yeah so?  That's plenty of time?"  He stated.

"It takes an hour to get there and we have to wait probably 30 minutes,  we should've left and hour ago!  God why didn't my alarm go off?"  I said rushing to my closet,  not bothering for a shower seeing as i had one last night.

"Okay well i don't know why your alarm didn't go off,  but what i do know is that you needed a good sleep for the ride ahead."  Hoechlin can be such a douche sometimes.

"Yeah yeah whatever,  just get out i need to get ready."  I said but he still just stood there  "I said get out!"

"Jesus okay."  He finally walked out.

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"Bye guys,  have a great Christmas,  we love you!"  I said hugging the cast goodbye before we step into the taxi to head to the airport. 

we already said goodbye to Biscuit back at the appartment,  and it was really hard to have to not see her for another 2 weeks,  maybe even more.

"Yeah bye guys,"  Dylan said,  hugging Posey doing a bro hug thing.  "We'll see you soon."  He finished.  We put our bags in the taxi and hopped in the taxi. 

"Bye!  Safe travels!"  Shelley yelled as we were driving off. Dylan giggled next to me and i chuckled as well.

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After handing in our suitcases, we walk through security as we start to head towards our plane.  We're taking one of the best airlines and first class as we don't want people to spot us.  Even though people have probably already have.

"Hurry your ass up."  i say to Dylan as he drags along behind me,  carrying a suitcase of his own along with a bag on his shoulders.  Me carrying the same.

There was so much traffic we were afraid we were going to miss our flight, but luckily enough,  we got there just in time.

We hand in our tickets to the lady,  we walk inside the plane and i immediately get a sense of sickness and tiredness rush over me. i hate planes.

i start to feel very light headed and stable towards our seats. "hey are you okay?" the flight attendant asks, "Brooke...what's wrong?" Dylan asks. i feel like i'm gonna faint.

so many people, all crowed up together, in a small area with tiny window you can barley see out of. fucking hell.

i only just remembered, i didn't take my tablet to help with these sort of situations. maybe it's in my bag?

i felt like i could barley breathe or talk, or even stand and keep my eyes open. Dylan excuses ourselves from the lady and he walks us to our seat, i had to keep my eyes shut right so i wouldn't have to see them.

𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐆𝐄 | Dylan O'brienWhere stories live. Discover now