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"fuck,"  i whispered. "FUCK." i screamed,  what am i going to tell the cops?  i just shot someone.  in self defense though.  i could've just of shot his legs and made a run for it or held him at gunpoint as i ran,  and if he followed me i could've shot him then.  he was just lying on the floor helpless as blood spewed out of his body and mouth.

i rid the thoughts out of my head and i back out of the house,  i dropped the gun on the floor and pushed the door open,  i turned away and stepped outside for the first time in what seemed to be like days.  it was dark out,  i didn't have shoes on.  i cursed lightly to myself and began to walk back inside,  i looked everywhere for my shoes,  the shoes i had on when i first came here. 

my father had stripped me of my clothes just i was in my underwear and a T-shirt he had me put on,  it was dark,  and had blood all over it,  dry blood.  i found my shoes,  they were all recked and covered in bleach, i remembered he had burned them so they were all black and burnt too,  i looked back at his shoes and thought maybe i should wear his?  no.  they wouldn't fit.  i picked up mine and held them in my hand in hopes to find my clothes.  well i found them,  torn up and in a trash bin in the kitchen.  

my face was bleeding,  my lip, nose and eyebrows,  one of my eyes was bruised and my cheeks were red and swollen and my hair was knotty.  i had tears streaming down my face non-stop,  i wasn't exactly sure and i didn't want to know why either so i just ignored them.  

i contemplated on taking off my fathers pants and wearing them as it was really cold outside,  even though it was summer it seemed to be the middle of the night so i needed pants.  i didn't.

i stepped outside once more with my shoes on this time and took in a deep breath,  i didn't think of running because we arrived here in a car and there had to be some sort of keys laying around,  i had already checked inside and they weren't there or on his body,  so i assumed the would be in the car.  i opened the car door and climbed in the drivers side,  i searched for any sign of keys but there was none.  

i blew out a deep breath and closed my eyes,  i was freezing,  feeling so many emotions,  not knowing which one to feel or what to do right now.  the adrenaline was rushing through me and i felt like i needed to run.  i gripped the steering wheel tightly,  my knuckles growing white just like his was.  i blew out another deep breath and slammed my hands continuously against the steering wheel,  i screamed and screamed until my lungs gave out.  

"fuck this."  i stated as i got out of the car,  not caring if i left the car door open,  i made my way around the car towards the trunk,  i needed to know if he had hurt anyone else,  as i approached closer the smell started to get worse.  i opened the trunk and almost fell to my knees.  there was someone else here.  it was an old lady,  i pushed past the horrifying sight and smell and searched for her wallet.  once i found it i looked for her drivers licence.  this was her car...that poor woman.  

i started to hear noises,  i looked around and found three sets of glowing eyes staring back at me.  they had to of been possums.  i backed away slowly and i could see kangaroos in the distance as well.  sounds of birds and crickets started to get on my nerves as well.  i forgot how much i hate the outback.   

then i began to run,  it wasn't an amazing choice to make but it was the only choice i had,  i didn't look back,  i just kept running,  but the sound of his voice screaming y name, did make me look back.  make me look back in fear.  

he was at the front door kneeling down, applying pressure to his wounds, and screaming my name.  fuck.  he crawled back inside and held keys in his hands.  slowly getting down the steps i knew he was about to get into the car. and i knew i was fucked.

not knowing where i was going,  i just kept going.  i pushed through the pain from the chilly weather and the fact that my dad was chasing me in a car, and didn't stop.  and i wouldn't stop until i was home.

it felt like i had been running for hours,  but i'm pretty sure it was only ten minutes.  it would be hard to spot someone who is just running in a dark forest.  but i am following the dirt road.  and if he followed that dirt road he would spot me.

i began to see a road,  the road makes me run faster.  as i approached the street,  there were house lights on,  i wanted to run up and knock on their windows,  i wanted to beg for them help me but at the same time i didn't want to talk to anyone,  i also didn't want to bother anyone's night. i kept my focus and looked at the street names.  one of the streets told me exactly where i was,  somehow i was closer to my house than where i was taken.  

i ran up the hills,  the street lights were on,  light shining down on me,  the moon shining down on me.  i felt like i was in a movie,  not the kind of movie you fantasise about though.  i ran and ran until i reached my street.  although i felt like my heart and lungs were about to give up on me i felt so much energy, probably the adrenaline.  i had lost my father and was about to be outside of my house.  

sprinting towards the front gate,  i put aside the pin,  and the gates opened,  i ran up to the front door and busted through it.  i don't know why it was open but it was.  the lights were on inside and the tv was on in the living room.  i walked over there out of breath,  and as soon as they heard someone entering the house,  both of them jolted up,  i saw dylan as he had a coffee in his hands and same with noah,  he both ran towards me and threw their arms around me.  

i could feel their tear stains on their cheeks and their new tears pouring over the old ones.  my tears drenching their shirts.  their arms gripping so tight on me like they never want to let me go.  "thank god your safe. you had me worried sick. "  Noah said right before he went over to the phone to call the police station.

。゚₊ ✩࿐。゚

it's been hours since i last arrived home.  the second i came back all i wanted was to to feel dylan's arms around mine and now?  i just wanted my own space.  and i think he knew that.  i told the police exactly what happened and where.  

as soon as Noah got on the phone with the police,  my mother and hailee came down to see us.  the baby had to of been awoken as well.  it was days before everything could've been forgotten about,  although i doubt it because it is all over the internet and it is worrying me.

we had to go down to the police station so i could tell the authorities what had happened.  i had stayed up all night, instructing the police that this is where it happened.  i had taken them to the scene of the crime and told the authorities that my father got into his stolen car and driven off.  

he could be anywhere.   that's why i had to get out of this place.  if i went back home to LA i know he wouldn't be able to get me.  so i needed to get on the next flight back.  which was tomorrow morning.  fuck.

after i got home from the police station, i went straight up to bed and fell asleep.  i didn't bother brushing my teeth or showering.  i was too tired.  but i couldn't fucking sleep.  knowing he's out there.  knowing where i live.  

dylan was asleep next to me and i was sitting up in bed awake with my thoughts.  with the fear that not only is he out there to hurt me.  but he could be out there hurting others too.  i was contemplating on going back to him and turning him in.  somehow.  

getting him into a mental hospital would be real good.  good for him, me, and everyone else he could harm.  

but right now i just sat here, awake, going crazy, because i couldn't sleep.  i was fed up with it though.  i told dylan we were getting on the next flight back to LA so he set up an alarm.  i got out of bed and walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.  i opened the medical supplies cabinet and found a box of multiple drugs.  prescribed drugs.  some were old.  some were knew.  some that weren't prescribed. 

but that doesnt matter, because i was searching for some meds that would help me sleep--some melatonin.  when i found it, i thanked myself and took some.  walked back up the stairs and climbed back into bed with dylan.  hoping the melatonin would kick in and i would fall asleep.


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