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"Dylan.." i whisper,  he stares at me with devastation and tired eyes.  he looks at me like i have betrayed him somehow, i look over his shoulder to see Posey, Hoechlin and Daniel and i immediately clench my jaw. 

"how could you?  i wanted to get through this, move past what had happened?"  he tried to go on but i won't let him.  i don't want to see him,  i just want to sleep and then plan Shelley's birthday tomorrow.  but move past? this i could not let slide.

"im sorry, move past? as in move on? like forget it ever happened type of thing?"  his face realises what he said and yet again he tries to deny what he just said. 

"no- that's not what i meant, i swe-"

"i don't care, Dylan, you cheated on me and i can't just forget that ever happened okay?  i trusted you of everyone in my life and you broke that trust.  i thought i could finally be happy with someone again, that i thought i could actually move on from Myles.  i thought i found the one.  but now i am just realising that the one died a long time ago.  and i'll never get that chance.  and i hope to god that i'm wrong about that,  but i know i'm not." i raised my voice slightly at him which then caused him to be taken aback. 

"im sorry. i shouldn't have yelled."  i try to take back what i said until i remember what he said last night, and i feel immensely guilty now.  he shakes his head stepping backwards,  not making eye contact with me.

"no, it's okay i get it.  it's fine." and he walks back to our- his place and slams the door shut.  i can't help but feel somewhat sad he left.  but that was his choice,  his actions is what brought us here, brought us to this problem we have. and if it wants to be resolved, he needs to let it go and let me have my time.

i take a deep breath in and step backwards, closing the door quietly. i swallow the lump in my throat before turning around to see my roommates giving me sympathetic looks. i let me head fall and stare at the ground beneath my feet.

i make my way to my bedroom and once i reach the door, i step inside shutting it quietly, i fall onto my bed and immediately pass out.


when i slam the door shut i feel like i want to trash the apartment, but i don't. i just stand there, contemplating everything. i take a few deep breaths and end up grabbing the first thing i find, i see an empty glass vase on the ik the counter and grab it, and i throw it across the room. when it shatters into a million pieces and hits the floor, that's when my roommates come rushing in.

Daniel is shocked to see what i've done, Posey is sad as he bought that vase for me, and Hoechlin is just disappointed in me. i stare at them a minute more before speaking. "Hoechlin switch rooms with me."

he looks confused for a moment before continuing the conversation by himself in his head, his facial expressions can tell that he knows what i'm going to say. he nods once before strolling through the mess and towards his room.

Posey looks confused and i realise i have to explain it to him. "i can't sleep at night knowing she used to sleep on the other side of that wall" i point towards Brooke and I's joined wall between our bedroom doors and Posey's face lights up realisation and opens his mouth to an 'O' shape.

"ohhhh, got it dude, whatever helps you sleep at night" he smiles and walks off, careful to not step on the broken vase he bought for me. i stare at the back of his head with narrowed eyes.

i hear Daniel sigh from beside me, "wow living with boys are so different. you'd think girls would have more drama but this just disproves that argument." i want to laugh at his very serious expression but i don't have the energy for that.

𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐆𝐄 | Dylan O'brienWhere stories live. Discover now