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Levanter Apartments

Heart pumping uncomfortably fast against his chest, Felix puffed out irregular breaths, palms sweating as they stayed stuck on the clothed arm and chest of the bigger male beneath them. His lower lip almost bled from the persistent gnawing against them, and his eyelids became sore from the way he'd fluctuate his actions between squeezing them shut and widening them to their maximum. He shivered at each subtle stroke of veiny fingers against his back, and his toes wiggled restlessly while his legs stayed curled up in the most awkward yet somewhat comfortable position.

"Why are you so quiet?" Chan smiled as he broke the silence, lowering his head to have a full view of the small boy in his arms. "What's on your mind?"

Shifting a little in the older's hold, Felix hesitated before resting his chin on the male's chest, eyes finally locking with the other's. "Nothing," he spoke lowly, tense body somewhat relaxing when their eye contact only deepened, clearing the foggy nervousness in both their minds to allow a smooth, harmless path for their mutual emotions to be expressed. "I just- It's my first time cuddling someone like this."

Chuckling lightly at the mumbled statement, Chan lowered his head a bit more to plant a light kiss on his boyfriend's forehead, the way Felix's eyes closed with a smile beneath their sockets softening his heart even more. "Well, you deserve it, Lix. You need a break like this before your exam on Monday."

"I know," Felix muffled into the older's chest, sighing and twisting slightly to feel more comfortable. His mind was too caught up with the task of saving the sweet, addictive scent of the older's perfume in his memories to sensibly line up words for a proper conversation, and Chan's heavy yet soothing breaths over his head only made such task even more difficult. Swallowing thickly and sucking in a breath to keep from melting into the lovely scent again, Felix found something else to say- something random, yet still broad enough to open in-depth conversation. "C-Channie, you know, I've never- I've never seen you in the daytime?"

Stopping his petting along the boy's back, Chan sat up further against the armrest of the couch, brows lifted and lips pursed in thought. "Hm," he hummed, mind tracing over each of their moments together throughout their one-month relationship, and the realization that they really had never laid eyes on each other in the presence of sunlight troubled his conscience. "Wait... you're right? I've never seen those beautiful freckles under the sun~"

"Channie, you're making me shy," Felix giggled into the older's chest, hands finally relaxing enough to hug the man's torso more comfortably. "That's sad though... but I understand. I'm not complaining, Chan, so don't get the wrong idea. I understand and respect-"

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