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Blueprint Apartments

The cool slices of cucumber felt so soothing as they slid down his throat, and he couldn't help but close his eyes with every swallow as his back leaned against the cushion of the sofa, and as his legs, thicker than ever, stayed spread wide open as keeping them properly closed seemed too strenuous for his condition.

Humming, he chuckled at a funny scene that rolled up on the movie playing in front, eyes stealing a glance at the clock in anticipation as he waited ever so patiently for his lover to come home. But, to his disadvantage, within just minutes, the wide plate with his salad was finished, drawing out a groan of complaint from his throat and, forcing his tired legs up to carry him to the kitchen.

"I want more." He huffed in annoyance, one hand holding onto the fleshy home of his twins, whilst the other reached for the handle of the refrigerator to open and search for any possible lingering cucumbers. But then Felix felt it; a seemingly unrealistic, shock-like pain in his stomach, enticing a loud "Ah," sound from his mouth and, forcing his hand, holding onto the handle of the refrigerator, to close it and find its partner on his stomach.

His eyes, blank and glossed with concern, aimlessly scanned the furnished area as his brows stayed stiffly furrowed above them. Swallowing thickly, he waddled back to the living room couch, lips parted to provide a more spacious passage for his heavy breaths and, one tear dripping down his cheek at the obvious recognition of exactly what was happening.

With sweaty palms, Felix reached for his cellphone on the coffee table, shaky fingers tapping anxiously against the screen to look for Chan's contact, and lower teeth gnawing ever so fearfully at his lower lip as the unreasonably chilling rings echoed the deafening silence of that living room.

"Pick up, pick up." He mumbled restlessly, swearing when Chan really did not pick up, and letting more tears trickle down his cheeks when yet another wave of that horrendous pain scorched through his lower back. Dialing the number again, he muttered another line of complaint, right instep nervously tapping against the carpet and, free hand holding on to his tummy ever so securely. "Fucking pick up the damn phone- Chan."

"Baby? Baby, what's wrong?" Chan questioned worriedly, brows furrowing as he shifted in his chair at the studio, and hand already reaching for his cap that was seated so neatly on the table. "Are you okay? You sound stress-"

"Yes, I'm fucking stressed. The contractions are more frequent and more painful." Felix cried as he spoke, the new volume of his sobs fueling Chan's own legs up and out of that room so quickly, not even sparing him the chance to inform any member of staff of his destination. "Hurry, please... I'm scared..."

"Breathe for me, Lix," Chan spoke breathlessly, the close sound of the engine starting up somewhat easing the growth of panic in his boyfriend, while his own feelings of fright only grew larger in all different sections of his subconsciousness. "How far apart are they? Like- how much worse than this morning?"

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