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H: Oh buggar... sorry – a thick British accent says as he crashes into my left side while I am standing in line for drinks

J: It's fine... - I answer annoyed, and brush the liquid spilled on my left arm before turning my attention back to the line

H: Heey you...

I turn to look at him again. He stares at me and isn't being the least subtle about it. His eyes traveling from my eyes, to my lips, down my body... breasts, waist, legs, and back to my eyes. That is when I notice that his eyes are lost, even disoriented, confirming he is drunk or on something, or both. I raise an eyebrow at him as he has a smug look plastered on his drunk face.

 - You want to go up to the rooftop?

J: What? - he has no shame I think to myself. Or I must have misunderstood. The Brits have thrown me off before with their sense of humor, or the lack of it. 

H: Yeah, the view is really something from up there

J: No, thanks – I turn back to my line for the second time, trying to dismiss him "politely"

H: Why not? We could have fun - he doesn't give up

A small chuckle falls from my lips as this is an unbelievable scene. Norwegian boys aren't that straight forward with what they want, not even when drunk. I look at him

 J: Ehh... You apparently don't hear this often but, I am not interested - I try to emphasize the last part of the sentence

H: I am not interested either... I just want to hook up with you. That dress is a killer on you.

Now I am fully smiling. I would be offended if the circumstances were different, but the way he is standing there looking at me. It unnerves me and makes me smile instead of uneasy. I notice that he is handsome, everyone in the room notices he is handsome.  He is one of those handsome dudes that know that they are handsome and thinks everyone is into them, most people probably are. He wears it completely though. His tall frame and broad shoulders make him look like a model, but his gentle face, wide grin, big innocent eyes and sculpted features make him resemble a 12-year old boy. He is sexy and cute. In the way he talks, moves his eyebrows, bores his eyes into mine, stretches his mouth when smiling, licks his bottom lip and shakes his head at the same time. The way he stands and carries himself, the way he dresses in laidback, hip style. It all makes him something... I am not sure what. But, all that aside he is still annoying and I dont want to go up to the rooftop with him. 

J: You seem to have some hearing issues... so I'll just – and I say no, "you are not my type" - in sign language –

H: Oh come on... - he says back in sign language - I am everyone's type. Look at me.

I burst out laughing. He smiles widely, he truly is annoying. A jackass probably, but a handsome one at that. And a pluss for knowing sign language. I am impressed. 

J: You really had great parents ha?

H: What? – this seems to throw him off his game, as he looks at me confused. It feels like he sobers up a little as well

J: To give you that much confidence I mean?!

He chuckles. I smile too.

"Tiffin" – he turns to look at the voice shouting his name from across the room and nods... then turns his face back to me

H: Sorry gotta go... ass-kissing duties

J: - furrow my brows - Hope they're some good asses

He laughs. A genuine from the heart laughter. Its contagious and I stifle one of my own

H: You are endearing – he says as he walks backwards, the smile never leaving his face 

I keep smiling as well with my eyebrows raised trying to deflect that this has any impact on me what so ever. I am a little embarrassed but I'll never show that. It doesn't matter either, this is just another boy, another game. And I know this game very well, I have my own paragraphs in it, as I have been playing it since I was 14. So I am not easily thrown off, but who is this guy?

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