secret bubble

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J: I just bought a plane ticket to London. I am in at the 19th and will be staying until the 24th I think. Didn't get the return yet.

H: "clapping" emoji and :D""

H: Do you still want to attend my basketball game?

J: Of course. Almost the solely reason why I am coming :P

H: :P

J: Are you playing Sat or Sun?

H: Sun

J: Great where do I get tickets?

H: At the entrence

J: No in advance?

H: Sorry baby

My heart does the flip flop thingy at his wording. Baby? I think my face even went red. I screen shot the text and send to Charlotte.

She replies with a "scream" emoji and hearts.

C: What did you reply?

J: I still haven't

C: What are you going to say?

J: Idk

C: Play it cool.

J: Smooth it over?

C: "thumbs up"

C: Being as it is also a figure of speech and doesn't have to mean anything

five seconds later she texts another,

C: It just means a little more cause its from him, and its to you and you have been talking 24/7 for a month now tihiii :D :D

J: Haha! ILY <3

H: Why didn't you get a return ticket?

J: They were too expensive. Hoping to catch a last-minute deal. I have before. Once got home from London for 12 pounds.

H: WOW! That's a daily ticket for public transport here

J: Ik. Sick

H: How do they even validate that?

J: They sell most of the tix over price and then can afford to sell a couple last minute tix to silly prices

H: So the trick is to always wait for the last minute? If you can

J: Yeah. If its not complete necessity to travel. Because flights can sell out and then there are no tix left, for the last minute

H: Aaa

H: Such a weird business

J: Ik

J: I have a friend whos sister is currently living in Dubai and working for Emirates and she told us that they don't ever sell last minute tix even if they have tix left when the flight is boarding. Its in their policy because they have a name to uphold as an exclusive airline so selling underpriced tickets is considered a company failure.

H: That's SICK

J: I am thinking imagine how overpriced tickets they are actually selling then when they can afford half full planes.

H: Capitalism in its finest form right there.

J: Ik. Hey have you seen the last epy?

H: No I still haven't gotten around to it. I will. As soon as we finish.

J: You have to. I have to vent. And I want to hear your take on a scene

H: Did we talk about the epy before that? When Roman was a brilliant asshole

J: Yes. But, you didn't watch until Sunday night so we talked about it like two days ago.

H: Sorry. I am slow

J: You are

H: I am sorry

J: Its okay. Its been a month. I've gotten used to it. You always watch after game nights, either Sat or Sun since it comes out on Thursdays. So I know not to ask before that.

H: Haha. We are spending too much time together

J: :P

H: You know my rutines

J: I like that I know your rutines.

H: I like it too. 😊

J: 😊

J: Now go watch our show and text me when you are done.

H: Talk in 45 😉

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