the night from hell

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We are on the dancefloor, dancing, shaking, singing, laughing and goofing in a London bar that doesn't card HS seniors. There have been a couple pomegranates mojitos and tequila shots taken in. I feel buzzed but, good. This is just what I needed, a true night out with friends. To completely let loose. 

I am out with Dela, Theo, Alfie, Freddie and a few of Delas girlfriends minus Holly. Hero is out with his team. 

Last nights movie night at Theos was so much fun. We watched Bad Boys I and II. Its an oldie, but it goes down as a classic. Hero and I were lovey-dovey in front of everyone and I didn't mind. It seemed like they didn't either, they saw it coming they teased. We cuddled up and held hands, stroke each others hands or backs, and shared many, many kisses. I love how attentive and tender he is. Its like he knows exactly where or how to touch me, or kiss me, or what to say. I would say he is being very good at the boyfriend thing considering its his first time.

As I come out of the bathroom downstairs, a guy starts talking to me. Its all play and fun in the beginning. He is a head taller than me, broad shoulders lookalike a quarterback, blond hair, blue eyes. Pretty handsome guy. I am laughing along to his somewhat off humor. As I am trying to move along to go upstairs to my friends, he blocks my way. Its still light and smiles, even though I am slightly panicking inside, then he forcefully presses me into the wall. He tries to feel me up while kissing my neck. I sober up in an instant. His mouth is on my neck, it's disgusting. People pass by but don't notice anything, cause for the passerby it just looks like we are having a little too much fun in a public place. I start crying because I am assuming the worst will happen right here and now, while people are just walking by to the bathroom.

X: Marcus! what the fuck are you doing? – a womans voice suddenly yells at the man grinding himself on me

He stumbles a little as she drags him off me

X: What the fuck are you doing? - she is so mad at him

He stands there and looks between me and her with bloodshot and empty eyes and just goes out. He is so out of it, but there is no excuse for doing what he just did

X: You, okay? – she turns to me

I shake my head no, and take my arms around me as I slide down onto the floor trying to understand what the fuck just happened

X: I am sorry... my brother can be such a pig... do you need anything? Can I get someone for you?

J: Hero

X: What?

J: Hero. Hero Fiennes Tiffin

X: I am sorry. I don't know who that is

I shake my head slightly and focus on breathing, on the verge of having a full on crying feast here on the floor of a London HS bar. 

X: Just a sec - she tells me and disappears. I want to tell her to not go, but I can't find my voice anymore

A minute later a security guard is standing in front of me

Sec: Miss, you okay?

I shake my head no while hugging myself tightly as silent tears are running down my cheeks

Sec: Do you have your phone?

I shake my head no

J: It's in my purse, upstairs

Sec: Will you come sit by the bar and I'll go try find your friends?

Josephine? – Gabby suddenly shouts, one of Delas friends – What are you doing here?

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