your heart gives me some kind of a new high

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I wake up to him kissing me while rushing out to practice. He shouts he'll call later as he closes the door, I look at the clock 6AM, just jawn a "omgggd" and go back to sleep.

The next time I open my eyes its 10PM, a little more normal time to wake up I say only to myself. There is a text from him

H: "Slept well? I am still at the court. Come down if you want? 😊"

J: When are you finished?

H: I can be now, why?

J: I want to do something else...

H: Like?

J: Idk something else besides court...

H: Okay. Walk? Eat?

J: A museum?

H: I have an idea. Can you be ready in an hour?

J: Yeah.

H: I'll text you when I am outside.

J: "thumbs up"

Last night was good. When we arrived the food was already on the table and Graham Norton on the TV. We ate and laughed together. He and Brandon manage to talk in private, and settle everything. When they went to sleep, we ended up watching reruns of Friends, alone, and he fell asleep with his head on my lap. Its so sweet. He is sweet. He is so cuddly and warm, a total contrast to his appearance and looks. 

He picks me up and we take the tube to East London, to Hackney, Shoredirch and Fish Island to view and appreciate the murals and the graffiti and all the amazing art. Every street is a museum in its own right. I have never seen this and am completely blown away. We grab a kebab at a cheesy fast food but, the kebab is delicious and we share so much laughs about the place. It's a mix between a religious temple, an Indian Bollywood movie scene and Ikea, topped with voodoo dolls from some African culture. Its fascinating really.

After we have been proper hipster tourists and seen the finest of East London we take the tube to West London and the dinner at Dornans.

Shannon, Adam and Chloe are already seated when we arrive, and Brandon arrives shortly after us. 

We talk about East London and the art we witnessed. Which leads to the social structure of London and how much of it is unseen because it isn't advertised, but at the same time whoever is interested finds its way to it. You just have to look. It wount be PR'ed like London Eye or the Shard, but who is interested will find it.

The conversation continues to how the best art is made in suppression or in desperate situations/times. And how East London is a museum of its own and a reflection of that time in British and London history, much of it also European.

It leads to conversations about destinations – London, Paris, South France

He hasn't traveled out of Europe, only France and UK. And a few boys wknd to Barcelona to watch football and/or basketball with Brandon&James or just Brandon, Mack and Theo.

Istanbul gets mentioned

J: Oh. That's one of my top five to visit

H: What are the others? - He turns to me, like we are the only two people in the room

J: Cuba, New Zealand, All of South America, Kenya, Iceland and Ireland

H: thats more than five - he smiles

J: I know. What's yours? - we are still in our own private conversation at the table - 

H: New York

J: Really? I never thought it would be another metropolitan city

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