your heartbeat

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Chloe and Brandon show up a few minutes after I do to the small high school arena. We sit together at the stands, they have been careful around me since we saw each other. Chloe speaks first. 

She didn't know anything about that Brandon had a talk with Hero about us. She though understands where Brandon comes from even if maybe the way he went about it wasn't the best. Its a good talk and I feel calmer when hearing their reasoning and way-of-thinking behind Hero, his future and us. We hug it out and Brandon promises he will talk to Hero after the game just as the players come out to the court. 

Hero waves at us smiling, I wave back grinning. I haven't seen him since yesterday morning, I have missed him. Theo and Freddie show up as well. And Brandons father, James, who I learn comes to every game that Hero plays. That is so sweet. 

I see him play for the first time tonight and it is amazing. He really is good. I understand the fuss around him. He is the best on his team for sure, both scores and assists. The way he manages and reads the game, talks to his players, encourages them, motivates them. "Such talent for such a young age" says James, sitting behind me. 

The way he looks in those shorts and jersey is a whole other R-rated page in my book. My thoughts running wild on how good that body would feel on me. His tongue on me. In me. Fuck! I squeeze my legs. Watch the game Jo, before you have to rush to the bathroom and finish that thought with your fingers.

They win the game and he comes over to where we are sitting. 

James stands first in line to congratulate and give him a hug. The smile and hug they exchange show how much love they have for one another. Everyone congratulates him. I don't know what I should do, do I stand up, reach for him, hug him, kiss him? Its a little embarrassing with all of these close to us people around watching. I know some of them know that we are whatever we are, but I am sure James has no idea. I dont think he particularly cares either, but I just... dont like being in the spotlight so I am awaiting his first move.

When I notice him taking a step towards me, I stand up, we smile and hug

J: You were so great – I say so only he hears

H: Thank you – he smiles genuinely as we part but, still stand only two inches away from each other

J: And that last shoot. From that distance – I say wide eyed, genuinely excited for him.

He smirked: "You are cute" – and said while touching my nose with his long point finger in a flirty, teasing way

I fake dodge his touch and grin

H: How are you feeling?

J: Better now – I smile flirting

He grins back with the same flirtatious smile

B: How is the finger? – Brandon interrupts, standing beside me

H: Its better. I still feel it when I want to swing the ball you know... but it's definitely improved from Wednesday.

B: Put some more ice on it when you get out of the shower.

H: I will.

We continue to talk amongst themselves about his game and performance, his boys hype him up. James invites us to dinner at their house while I am here. They haven't seen me in such a long time, and Chloe and Brandon are always so busy it's been a while since they've all had dinner together.

H: I am going to hit the shower; will you wait for me? - he turns to me while the rest are planning tomorrows dinner

I nod: " Sure"

H: We can grab a bite if you aren't too tired?

J: No. I want to hang out.

We share a smile, he squeezes my arm in a loving gesture, says goodbye to the others and disappears.

Brandon&Chloe leave suggesting that we come to their apartment later and order in. That way he can talk to Hero. I tell them to go ahead and I'll see what Hero says.

He doesn't take much time in the locker room, so I only wait for ten minutes alone. I am on my phone snapping when I see him come through the hallway

H: Hey – he says as he approaches me, gym bag on his back, his hands on the sides of it. He is really nailing the high school jock role.

J: You just got another plus in the book – I say smiling and pushing away from the wall I was leaning on

H: really? For what? – he smiles back excited

J: For being quick in the locker room

He comes to stand in front of me.

H: I tried. I didn't want to keep you waiting – tilts his head to the side, and licks his bottom lip

J: And a plus for consideration – I look up at him, all the while smiling with both eyes and lips. I am admiring him

His smile never leaves his face either. He then bends down and kisses me, his free hand touching my face tenderly and his thumb caressing my cheek. The kiss lingers for a minute and it is the sweetest sensation my mind and body have waited for since yesterday morning.

H: You hungry? – asks when we part, standing close

J: No – I shake my head - You?

H: Starving

J: You just left 2000 calories on that court so I am not surprised

He chuckles: "Feels like it"

My smile falters a little as I am about to ask him,

H: What is it?

J: You want to go to Chlo and Brandons?

H: Ehh... no... I thought...

J: Please. I know what's going on. I talked to Brandon last night and I want the two of you to talk.

H: What?

J: Yeah. When you didn't want to come to the club last night I was pretty bummed and Shannon came to comfort me and then told me about how Brandon talked to you. Then I talked to Brandon and he told me. I'm sorry, he had no right to do that.

H: No, he is just watching out for you. And me somehow, I guess...

J: I know... but he went about it the wrong way and he understood that last night. I think he wants to apologize

H: Apologize? So he knows about us?

J: Yeah - I answer thinking whatever the "us" is, and a little uneasy by his silence and time taken to think about this

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