i will fall

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H: Are you here?

J: I am. Just got on the train to the city.

H: Welcome to London :D

H: You still want to hang later?

J: Yes. When are you done?

H: Around 6. I can pick you up? You mentioned Brandon&Chloe were gone?

J: Yes please :) Yeah. They are away for the night.

H: Can you be ready by 8?

J: Sure

H: And if you get bored now, come down to the court if you want. I'll text you the address.

J: Thanks 😊 But I am going to settle in, take a nap. Didn't get much sleep last night.

H: As you wish. See you later. 😊

As I have no idea what the hang out tonight is about, where we are going or what we are doing. I dress safely, black dress with brown/orange flower print, brown wool cardigan and chunky boots.

10 to 8 he texts that he is on his way.

I can't believe how giddy I am. I feel like we know each other now and have some kind of a bond. Its more than friendship, but still not a relationship. The something in between.

As the minutes are ticking, I am getting more nervous. I have no idea how to act around him. Especially now that we are going to be face to face after a month of constant texting, laughing, teasing... and flirting. I am looking forward to be alone with him, but at the same time scared. Ah those butterflies. It doesn't make it any easier that I don't know where he stands. Or where he thinks we stand. Or where he wants to stand with me. 

My subconsciousness tell me that if we weren't on the same page we wouldn't have kept in touch, talked every day and now arranged to meet when in the same city again. But at the same time... I could be totally off on this. He could be taking me to his girlfriend's party tonight for all I know.

The minutes keep passing slowly in these rambling thoughts of my mind, swaying in all directions possible when he calls on the inter caller.

I buzz him in and wait. And wait. Take another stroll around the apartment, have a glass of water and when he knocks, I freeze. Shit! I try to shake my shoulders and arms as to calm the nerves and loosen up a little, and walk over to the door.

When I open it, we both have wide grins on our faces. I have become so natural with him, so comfortable on the phone. Now that I am standing with him in front of me. It makes me nervous and unsure on how to act. I feel him, I am happy to see him. But, the nerves are standing in the way of me doing what I want to do, which is throw my arms around his neck and preferably kiss him

J: Hey

H: Hey

He takes the first step and gives me a tight hug with both hands embracing me. It feels good. Not as much as a kiss would, but I'll take what I get.

H: You ready?

J: Yeah, yeah... let me just grab my jacket and purse. He stands patiently by the door, watching me. I like it. 

H: Did you manage to get any sleep? – asks as I lock the door and we start walking down the steps and out of the building

J: Yeah. I slept two full hours. It was heaven.

H: Wow. And you who don't even like to sleep during daytime - he nudges my shoulder

I chuckle as I remember I told him this in one of our many conversations. We have gotten to know each other pretty good, the small details of each other.

J: No, I don't. But russetid really is an exception.

H: Yeah. I don't know how you handle that... the partying and then school. I am sure I would skip half of the classes.

J: No, you wouldn't. You know its your last year. And you know that if you want to do something next year, you got to work.

H: Play hard, work hard

I laugh – "Something like that"

H: Eh... this way... we got to catch the tube to Paddington - he says when we make it outside of the building. 

J: What are we doing?

H: Delilah and Freddie are having us over

J: A party?

I so wasn't in the mood for a party. There has been enough parties on my part. He senses my reaction

H: No, no it's not a party. More like a hang-out, with just a few friends. 

J: Who's s going to be there?

H: Dela, Theo, Freddie, Alfie... and a few others, Delas friends. They're all chill I swear.

I nod

H: That okay? - he asks carefully when I don't answer

J: Yeah, yeah that's fine. Sounds fun. - I give him a reassuring smile

He smiles back, and looks down almost embarrassed. He is cute. Taking my well-being that much into consideration. I feel giddy again just by that smile directed at me. I have to move on from this.

J: How did that geography presentation go?

H: Good. I missed some key points but got a C in the end. I am okay with that.

J: Yeah. Won't make a difference on your average score?

H: No, it's just a presentation. I am averaging a B. And there are still exams in April- May.

J: when does your summer holiday start by the way?

H: 9th of June.

J: Wow thats early

H: Yeah. Its just for seniors though... 

J: Its still a long summer vecay

H: But, I got camp right away

J: Which is what? 

H: Basketball camp, in France for two weeks. 

I nod.

H: What about you?

J: 16th of June.

H: Do you have plans for the summer?

J: Some... my girl crew have been talking about wanting to do something, you know before we part ways for collage in the fall... maybe Greece or Ibiza. I am also attending a wedding in Boston in July. Thats the only thing that's set in stone. Then probably staying a week or two in the States, seeing family. What about you?

H: I don't know... it all depends on... either moving out to Europe to play or staying here and finding a job to pay the bills.

I nod, feeling sorry for him. He really is living humble. I wasn't bragging about my summer plans but feel stupid now that I mentioned them. They seem so airy, compared to his.

(Hero POV: He honestly didn't know how this would go, and he didn't know what she wanted or expected of him, of this, so the safe thing was to go to a small gathering with his friends so he could sense her state and mood and what she wants from him and take it from there. He wanted to take her out on a date or just stay in with her, be alone with her. But, not until he knows where they stand.)

(Josephine POV: I wasn't into another party. There have been too many parties in the last month. And I have one to attend tomorrow too, so if I could avoid any surprise parties I would very much like to. But this doesn't seem like a party, more like a gathering. I was looking forward to seeing Dela, and the boys were funny. I know so much more about them now then the last time we hung out. I wouldn't have mind to be alone with him tonight, but maybe this is safer.)

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