going in reverse

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As they are walking in to another meeting, Brandon turns to him

B: Your girlfriend is hounding my phone

H: I'll call her later

I try to play it safe. I am definitely not ready to talk about Jo or talk to Jo.

While in the meeting, my best friend also texts from London,

T: What's up with you and Jo? She is violating my phone bro.

H: Just busy. I'll call her later.

He brushes everyone off as he is not ready to talk to her. 


"Are you inviting London boy?" - Mia turns to me as she puts another invitation into the envelope. We are sitting in her room putting the finishing touches on our invitations to our graduation ceremony. 

I look at her confused. Aaa I get the reference. But, havent I told her about Hero?

J: No... Hero and I... we arent talking?

She gives me a look and smiles, waiting for me to say I am kidding, unfortunately I am not.

M: What? What are you talking about? He was just here... two days ago

J: Thats when we stopped talking

M: Wait a sec... take it from the top. He was at our Greece party TWO days ago

We have started to refer to that party as the Greece party because we made a profit when selling our bus to a group of girls who are next years russ. And have decided to take a girls trip to Greece after graduation and before we part ways for collage. The profit we made is going towards that trip hence the name of the party.

J: He left the party earlier I dont know if you know, but all of a sudden, in a bad and weird mood. I followed him eventually to the hotel. In the morning before he left for the airport I got a kiss and a goodbye and haven't heard from him since. My messages left unread even.

She nods a little and goes quiet

J: What? 

M: I think I maybe know why he left

J: What? Why?

M: At one point we were talking, and in the meantime you were in the kitchen talking to Dylan. I think he stopped following our conversation when he saw that. I saw it and told him it was nothing, that it was in the past, before you met him. He just watched the two of you. Then said something like... I dont know if I laugh that much with my ex. And that he would definitely not let his ex touch his arm like that... especially not at a party where Jo was at too.

J: Omg - I cover my mouth with my hand

M: I am sorry I didn't tell you I didn't know you guys broke up because of that. It wasn't that much of a deal

J: Really? - I ask pleading, wanting her affirmation that he is blowing this out of proportion

M: It didn't look good. But, at the same time you weren't doing anything wrong. I feel. 

I nod and am still. Her word "broke up" slowly creeping in on me. Broke up! We have broken up. But, we haven't? He never said it. He just walked out. Is that how people break up these days just walking out? No. Thats not gonna happen here. I refuse to believe it until I hear the words from him. 

M: But, then again... its Dylan. and You - she says startling me out of my thoughts - I dont know how much he knows about Dylan bu...

J: He knows everything - I cut her off

She looks at me surprised: "Oh!" - and after a pause says: "Then... 

J: Then I am an asshole

M: No, you are not an asshole. You were just talking to your ex. Who has been in your life for a long time, and not an ex for that long time. Its normal that you talk when seeing each other.

Oh she is trying to reason with me about my stupid ways. I love her for it, but hate her for not just yelling at me what an arse I am.

J: But, I liked the attention from Dylan. I liked being in his presence. 

M: Do you still love him?

J: No. Not at all. 

There falls a silence between us, she keeps giving me the pity look. 

J: I love Hero.

M: You do? - this shocks her out of her state again

I nod. She grins at me.

M: Omg thats so cute.

I raise my eyebrows: "Yeah"

M: But, wha... you have to go to London. You have to tell him.

J: I am - I take my phone out and starting searching for tickets to leave after my last exam in a week.

M: Are you texting him?

J: No, thats no use. I am checking flights

She smiles again and leans over to hug me. When she slides back to her seat she takes her own phone into her hands

M: I got you - and after a few seconds Cheryl Coles "fight for this love" can be heard in the room. I smile at her and shake my head as I am scrolling to find the best flight out to London to fight for that damn love. 

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