the first text is the hardest...

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I almost have a heart attack when I see the request on my IG. Its been six days since I came back from London and there has been complete silence from him. Actually the silence started my last day while in London. I felt wanted one second, and the next completely ignored. Like he just switched of.  To say that I haven't thought about him in the past six days would be lying. And to be honest I thought he was over it since the cold shoulder he gave me. But I am interested. Now that I have had a few days away from him, I miss his presence, even when he made me nervous, I liked that he was close by. 

I accept the request. And follow him back. An hour later he DMs me

H: You really slept at an intersection? 

J: Haha. Yes

H: Why?

J: For a knot on my hat

H: ?

J: Russetid, heard of it? Last year of HS, you are russ (a some kind graduate). We party a lot, have our own party bus traveling to different cities to different russ-events  organize a play, have events to collect money for charity AND have a list of 20/30 silly things to do, for each you get a knot on your hat (which is part of your russe-attire you wear the 17 days in May).

H: Why 17 days?

J: 17th of May is Norways national day. There are a lot of festivities in the city that day, one of them being all the russ in the city walk through it and up to the Royal Palace.

H: And after that?

J: After that we have final exams until middle of June.

H: Sounds exhausting

J: It is, but very much fun.

H: What a strange concept. Never heard of it.

J: Haha. I know. Don't think it exists anywhere else. Not that I have heard of anyway.

J: How is your last semester so far?

H: Good. Not too tight schedule. Gives me time to focus on basketball

J: You taking Spanish, French or German?

H: Neither. Taking chemistry and biology.

J: Omg. You're one of those

H: Haha. And what are those?

J: Those weird people that enjoy science subjects

H: I don't particularly enjoy. Or I am lying, I enjoy chemistry. Biology was just better then the alternative which were languages which I suck at.

J: Aren't you planning on playing abroad? Wouldn't a language come in handy.

H: Idk. Depends where you play. Either way they offer players crash course in the speaking language of the country you are staying in

J: Smart

H: Convinient. What are you taking?

J: Spanish and sociology

H: ah. You are one of those

J: And what's that?

H: Sensible thinkers

J: Haha. I like that. I am that.

H: Nothing reveals your persona as the subjects you take in HS

J: Haha. I don't think that's a wrong assumption

H: Neither do I. I find it actually accurate in 90% cases

J: Wow. I am gonna have to try it on my friends

H: Tell me how it goes

J: *thumbs up* emoji

J: Chloe said you moved out

H: Yeah. Brandon found me a place.

J: Where? 

H: Clapham

J: Thats a cool area

H: Yeah. Its vibrant. Has a court 2 minutes walk, all I need.

J: Modest

H: Always

H: Do you have early class tomorrow? 

J: Starting 9 every day, except Tuesdays and Thursdays which are long days.

H: What's long?

J: 8:30 to 14:30, Mon and Wed 9-14, Fri 9-13. 

J: Haha. Dont know why I did that. But there you have my full schedule. Want my after school activities too? Haha. Sorry

H: Of course. I want to know where you are at every hour :D

J: Haha. How is your schedule looking?

H: Haha. They are still doing the adjustments but, I have morning and afternoon classes, every other week. This is early week which means classes 8-13 

J: Wow that's short days

H: And then basketball until 16

J: Right. And when afternoon shift basketball is in the morning?

H: Correct

J: Does it ever get tiring?

H: Honestly, yes. But, what choice do I have. I feel like that's my only shot to get out of this shithole and make something of myself.

J: You consider London a shithole?  What would you call Oslo then with 5mil people haha

H: Its not the size of London that is the problem.

J: What then?

H: Everything else

H: I gotta run. 

J: Okay. Bye

H: bye

That was a short and abrupt ending of the conversation. Like I was burning his hand and he quickly snatched from the fire. It was nice talking to him though. I am glad he reached out.

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