when you and I... collide

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We eventually come to Delilah and Freddies place. Their childhood home was a  three-story attached townhouse in a pretty and quiet street in Paddington area. They grew up here, and later I connect that they all did, even Hero when he moved out here in HS. Brandon and Shannons childhood house is closeby, Theos as well.

Present at the hang-out were Theo, Alfie, Ruby, Hero and I that are Freddies friends, and Gabby, Holly, Shawn and Katie that are Dels friends.

Everyone is already at the house when we arrive and I get the introduction, the Hi's and waves, and hugs from Heros friends. We are in the basement floor where there is a game room, bar, living room, poker table, pool table, darts, basketball net for floor-basketball.

Dels friends, are eying me. Holly and Katie. They are trying to hide it behind the fake smiles. It's childish, but also cute because obviously they feel threatened by me, which makes me wonder who they are interested in? Its a girl vibe thing you just feel right away.

The others are all super nice, and hilarious. Hero is attentive and makes sure I am okay, he brings me drinks, asks if I want to play this or that. I notice him watching me from time to time, we exchange stares and smiles. I blend with his friends, and I think he likes it.

Holly watches us and tries to get his attention in different ways. He talks to her, but every time he does or laughs with her, he looks over at me in the end. I don't mind. The only thing I mind is that he hasn't kissed me yet. And I so want to. So as long as he doesn't kiss her I dont mind them talking.

I am laughing with Freddie, when he comes over from behind me, his hand lightly touch my back

H: You wanna play pool?

J: With you?

He nods and smiles, all playful

J: Sure. But I gotta warn you I kick ass in pool

H: Really? – he mock smiles then turns to Freddie – "Freddie, you playing?"

F: No, I am gonna help the girls with SuperMario – they laugh between themselves. I don't understand the joke.

H: He wants to flirt with the girls – whispers to me

J: Oh. Of course. Someone's got to do that too - I joke

H: He is taking one for the team - he jokes back. I love that we understand each other and bounce on each others humor so quickly.

J: Great friend there

H: The best

We banter back and forth and grin at each other while Theo sets up the table. Theo, Hero, Alfie and I are playing, Shawn and Ruby are watching and cheering.

After a half an hour of pool, Hero and Alfie are out, so its Theo and me in the finale.

Hero is sitting on one of the bar stools and gestures for me to come over to give advice on a good tactic move to win over his best friend. Its all tease and banter, but I am also aware that these guys are competitive as hell. 

I lean into him, my ear and cheek almost touch his lips as my eyes are on the pool table to take mental pictures of what he is trying to show me I should do. He motions with his hands as he talks into my ear. I nod and turn to look at him, smiling ready to say my appreciation. When I turn to look at him our faces are only inches apart. He stares at me, his scent invading my space. He smells masculine and minty and hot. You smell good. What perfume do you use? Oh its called HOT! :D I push my funny thoughts behind focusing on the hot smell guy in front of me. His eyes turn serious and he makes a small movement with his closed mouth. I see his chest rises and falls heavily, as he looks down at my lips. My own breathing catches in my throat, my heart beating a little faster and my stomach knots. I need a distraction, a flee, a relief so I take the glass from his hand and have a sip of his beer.

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