everything with you feels real

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In April he comes to visit over easter break. We spend four days in the mountains in Charlottes family cabin. We are nine people at the cabin, closest friends and two boyfriends. We have a lovely time in the mountains, he enjoys himself truly. He doesn't ski, hasn't ever tried, but he tries the snowboard and loves it from the first minute. He is also good at it so he keeps at that the remaining days.

We make dinners, breakfasts, play video games and board games, mime-game, dance and sing, walks, after-ski, outside fireplace and jacuzzi. We truly show him the authentic Norwegian easter break. My friends take him in, and he bonds quickly with them. The boys over sports and games, and the girls approve because of his cuteness and attentiveness towards me. 

Charlotte and he talk one morning while I am in the shower.

C: She deserves a happy love. I am glad its you. You really are nice to her. You are good for her. 

H: She is good for me too. So good. I think I'd still be lost if it wasn't for meeting her.

C: Thats so adorable. 

After the mountains we spend two days in Oslo with my father. My mum is in Portugal with friends. He bonds with my father too, over sports of course. We show him the best sights in Oslo as he has never been. 

The last day in Oslo, as we lay in bed in my room at my fathers apartment, he suddenly asks,

H: Did you love Dylan?

I am surprised, and its very evident in my face

J: Why... why do you ask?

He shrugs his shoulders: "I dont know... just thinking"

I nod and take a pause. I dont want to lie to him, but I dont want to alarm him either. I have to chose my words carefully as they might have the opposite affect then intended. I can't understand where this comes from NOW. We are so good, and having such a good time together. Or maybe I am missing something? Has he been thinking about this the whole time?

I take a deep breath,

J: I did. But in a totally different way. I am not even able to describe it I think. I just know I feel it... I think I sooo badly wanted him to love me, that I didn't care how I felt, I was only concerned with his feelings. And when I occasionally felt the love from him, I returned it as an effect to that, not because I was actually feeling it. I mean the relationship was destructive in so many ways, and we were drunk or high most of the time. Not even present to actually sit down and feel our actual feelings. I dont know if this makes any sense. 

H: Some - he smiles understanding

J: I am sorry I can't describe it better. But, you dont have to worry about Dylan. Thats so over. And the love I feel when with you, and that I felt with him its not even comparable. With you it feels real. 

I scooted over and took his face into my hands

J: Everything with you feels real. And you have no idea how much appreciated that is for someone in my shoes.

He smiles and I plant a loving, forceful kiss on his delicate lips. The kiss grows into a make out session and the next minute he is rolling on top of me leading one thing to the next. :)


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