the leaves are changing... as are our hearts

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:"Be ready in 1/2 h. I got plans for us. Dress warm." - his text said when I woke up ten minutes ago. I am so excited. I don't particularly love surprises, but when they are good, fun surprises from and with him then I am all in. 

45 minutes later we are on our way in a rental, down to Brighton. I have never been, neither has he but a teammate recommended it to him saying it's a nice getaway from London since its so close by.

We banter over bands and songs to listen to in the carride down. The conversation goes over to concerts we've been to, and the ones we would like to go to. It is one of my favorite hobbies, he isn't that into it, but would tag along to almost anything, he loves music as well and all kinds of music. It leads to talks about the current music industry, how its built up and fucked up, not much different from the football industry.

When we get to Brighton, an hour and a half later we walk the streets, go to the pier, sit on the benches. It's cold and windy, but we enjoy ourselves with each our cocoa and cinnamon bun. 

J: I am enjoying myself so much, its almost cheesy. Thank you for this getaway.

He smiles, sitting next to me.

H: When you said yesterday anything beside the court. It kind of woke me up. I can get so lost in basketball that I forget that not everyone finds it as entertaining as I do.

J: And that I want to spend time with just you. I feel the basketball can be a third wheel sometimes.

H: Right. And I dont want that. I dont want you to feel that... So I asked someone in the staff and he recommended Brighton, he said it's even better when its warmer, but its still a getaway.

J: I agree. And sometimes you know it isn't even what we do, or where it is, it's kind of the effort that matters. And that you made this effort, went all out, is really a plus plus in the book.

H: I have wanted to ask about that book of yours. You have to tell me more about the system. How do I earn points? Whats the prize? 

I smile, and lean over to kiss him

J: Thats the prize - I say after pulling apart

He smiles wide and puts his arm around my shoulders pulling me closer into him, for another kiss which is softer and longer, making all my insides melt. He brings his other hand up and caresses my cheek with his warm palm. A delightful sensation to my cold cheeks.

We have dinner later at a cute, small Italian restaurant, called Savannah, by the sea

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We have dinner later at a cute, small Italian restaurant, called Savannah, by the sea. We share a tasting menu for two and drink cheap non-alcoholic beer.  We play 21 questions which makes us smile, laugh and goof but also relax and get to know each other better.  

- I learn that he doesn't drink coffee at all. He loves the smell but, shouldn't drink it because of blood levels that doesn't suit a b-baller.

- He started playing at the age of 5 in preschool. Loved it from the first second he touched the ball that was the size of his head at the time. He started practicing for real, with a team, at the age of 7. He has been going up the later each year, winning the junior league at age 13 and 15. Thats when he was drafted to play in HS and has been there for the past three years.

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