the second a little easier

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The next day, while I am at lunch in the school cafeteria, a ping is heard on my phone. The sound of my DM. That I have put on sound since last night. I smile before opening it, I am not talking on DM with anyone else than one handsome boy from London.

It was a picture of a baby panda eating...

H: "She reminds me of you"

J: "I remind you of a panda?" - I answer him. Its adorable. But I wanna tease and play, so I fake offended. There is another ping almost instantly.

H: "Look at her man! She is adorable!"

Now that's what I was fishing for...

J: "My sister Hannah"

H: "two laugh emojis"

J: What are you up to? 

H: School. Lunch just ended, I am walking into geography aws.

H: You?

J: At lunch. English afterwords.

H: Are you like top of the class, as you are bilingual

J: Haha. No. People who study hard can be just as good. Or better.

H: Probably true. Never studied hard so I wouldn't know

J: Whats your favorite subject btw?

H: Athletics of course. You?

J: Sociology 

H: I sensed that

J: Why?

H: Idk

A teacher of mine comes by to talk to me about an essay I did, as well encouraging me to think more about what I want to do next year. The applications aren't due until April, but I should probably look into it throughly by then. I mention studying abroad he is surprised. Probably because since he has known me I have never showed any interest in the future. I have always felt it as nagging and been very vocal about it. If I am truly interested he could look a little into it, and let me. I mention maybe London, as I have a sister living there. He deeply encourages me to stay in that state of mind and also look into it myself, as to what could be interesting to study. The due dates are 1st of February so I have a little time until but, it would be good to get the ball rolling fastest possible. We take follow to my English class and am focused while there. 

After class, its right to History where we are doing a group assignment, finally Charlotte and I have class together. Thats our last class and we have russ-obligations after school so we are busy with that. But I shoot Chloe a lengthy mail/text about thinking about London next semester. Dont have much time. Have no idea what to study. Its hard to get in now, the first semester as a foreign student but, maybe a course or a one-year degree in something. 

Chloe texts me an hour later that I should look into SOAS University. I think you would be interested in that. You can stay with us. If you wanna live the full student life I can look into housing. I would love that you stayed with us, until you adjust a little. But, its totally up to you. Brandon still thinks you should give creative writing or any form of writing for that matter a chance. 

I laugh at her. He is cute for being so supportive about it, and I would love to write and get paid for it. But, its the idea of others reading what I write that has me holding back, it scares the shit out of me. Sociology is the safe choice, and I love that. And I still have my space for writing. I know Brandon reads that and there comes most of his sources for encouraging my writing.

At the russ-event we are putting on the last touches to our play that has premiere in a week. I post it on my IG. 

He DMs a few short minutes later

H: Another knot?

J: Haha. No. This is the play we set up. Premiere in a week.

H: What are you playing?

J: I am not. I co-wrote the manuscript. 

H: So you are behind the camera?

J: Yes. Hate to be in the front.

H: You dont like attention?

J: Not the least. Hate it actually

H: Why?

J: Idk. Makes me feel really uncomfortable.

H: Thats so weird hearing these days where I feel everyone is craving for some kind of attention.

J: Yeah. Thats not me.

H: So if not acting, what are your plans for next year?

J: As it looks now... collage/university

H: Studying what?

J: Sociology, psychology, social science, international studies... something in that field

H: Sounds like something you would thrive in

J: Thank you. :)

H: I saw how passionate you were about that essay about diversity in Oslo

J: I was. Got a 6 on that

H: Whats that mean?

J: A

H: Great job! Congrats. If I understood shit I would love to read it

J: Haha

J: What about you, what's the dream scenario for next year?

H: Being signed by the NBA. But, as that's NEVER gonna happen out of HS and in Britain. Second choice would be to play in Barcelona or Lyon.

J: But, in reality. Not to be blunt. But, what are the chances that that happens?

H: Hard to say. There are so many good players. My favors are talent, age and clean cut. Dissadvantages: no experience outside UK, UK doesn't foster many b-players so they aren't looking here and a personal record that isn't all sunshine.

J: I am sure talent and age come first no matter how you look at it

H: I hope so

J: So, if I would like to see you play. Where could I do that?

H: Well, you'd have to come to London, and catch a Wednesday or Sat/Sun game.

J: No broadcasting?

H: Haha. No. I wish cause then clubs would see us. But, not in HS.

J: Then I guess I'll have to make it to London

H: Do you come here often btw? Visting your sister I mean?

J: No. Not that much. I am coming in February though to celebrate her birthday.

H: When? 

J: 20th is her b-day, so around then. Haven't gotten tickets yet.

H: I have a game 23rd so if you come, there is your chance

J: Cool. If I am in the city I'll definitely come. Sorry gotta run, another night, another russeparty

H: Have fun

J: Thanks

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