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The hot water hit Shuichi's back, the searing water numbing the mental pain forced on him. He let the water run down his chest and over his face, focusing on the water the best he could so he didn't have to think about anything else.

The bathroom in his dorm was small but accommodating. Fit with a sink, toilet and shower/bath, Shuichi couldn't really complain about the facilities provided to him.

He scrubbed off the dirt from his body, hissing in pain as the soap found its way into a few cuts and scrapes he had acquired from the attempted escape. The pain was distracting, though. It helped his mind stop wandering back to the despair of knowing he was trapped, and forced into a real life killing game. It was sick and cruel, Shuichi thought.

He stepped out of the shower onto the rug beside it, water dripping like rain from his hair and body. He grabbed a towel and wiped his body down, rubbing it against his hair to dry it the best he could. He walked over to the mirror, fixing his towel over his waist. He scoffed and poked his ahoge, even when faced with scorching water it didn't stay down.

Shuichi shivered as he returned to his bedroom. The bathroom was hot and steamy, result of his swelteringly hot shower. His bedroom was unfortunately a lot colder.

The dorm itself was fitted with a bed, shelves, a desk, and a closet. To Shuichi's surprise, when he first opened the closet, all that was inside were ten copies of the same outfit he was wearing, and 3 sets of dusty blue pyjamas. Not to mention another hat, and of course, socks and underwear.

Monokuma must have wanted the students to feel little to no normalcy at all, he supposed.

Shuichi threw on some pyjamas, draping his damp towel over the chair at his desk. He was tired, worn down, and ready to have a long sleep.

The bed looked awfully welcoming, as Shuichi slid under its heavy covers, and promptly fell asleep.

——— ☆ • ♧ •  :🃏: • ♧ • ☆ ———

Shuichi locked his dorm door behind him with a sigh. His head was pounding, and he wasn't sure if it was due to yesterday's events, or the lack of caffeine in his system.

He made his way to the main school building, looking up at the glass far above him. The sky was blue, clear of too many clouds, a truly beautiful scene. Shuichi focused on its serenity, once again trying to distract his buzzing mind.

The quietness under the dome was unsettling. Aside from a few exisals working on construction, there were no sounds like the usual birds singing or any of his classmates chatting. It made Shuichi's stomach turn.

He reached the main door and pushed it open, it's creaking filling the whole hall.

It was empty, and eerie. Just like the unsettling feeling outside, but a lot worse. Shuichi didn't bother to wait around, instead heading straight to the dining hall. His shoes clicked against the cold, hard floor, each loud footstep sending needles into Shuichi's pounding head.

Shuichi could hear the voices inside the dining hall from the corridor. He pushed the door open, to reveal that he was the last one to arrive.

Tenko and Angie were comforting a still timid Himiko; Kaede was discussing who knows what with Rantaro, Tsumugi, Kaito and Maki.

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