thirty - five

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𝗜'𝗹𝗹 𝗰𝗿𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂

Kokichi had spent two hours searching the courtyard from top to bottom. Well, most of the time he was staring into space and poking things 'pretending' to look at it. He was pretty sure he already had everything he could find in his dormitory anyway. His stashes of evidence were the reason why he always slept in Shuichi's room.

He'd searched almost everywhere. He was dreading searching Miu's lab. He'd put it off for as long as possible, but he knew that he needed to check inside anyway.

So, he placed his hand on the doorknob to the lab, and took a quick breath.

Kokichi slowly pushed open the door to Miu's lab. He half expected some elaborate invention to be displayed in front of him, probably something erotic and boisterous. But, as the light shone inward from the outside, there was nothing.

A few little inventions here and there, works in progress and unfinished blueprints scattered across the worktops. But it was cold. And empty. The inventions were nothing without Miu there to boast about them. Miu was what brought the inventions to life. But now that she was gone, all that was left was unmoving lumps of metal and wires.

The outside light sent beams through, Kokichi's shadow reflecting on the floor. Empty.

Kokichi swallowed the lump in his throat.

He waved his hand to find the light switch and hastily switched it on. It didn't change much. The lab was still cold and lifeless. He stepped inside, his shoes clicking on the cold metal floor below him. The door swung shut, closing him in.

How many hours had Miu spent in this lab, tinkering and welding, laying out blueprints with her tongue sticking out of the side of her mouth?

Kokichi eyed the endless inventions and steadily walked through them. There was hammers, spanners, welding tools and face shields. Sheets of paper were scattered around the room, and Kokichi had to take care not to step on them. He felt sorrow build in his gut, but he held it back.

As he scanned the blue papers strewn across the workbenches, one in particular caught his eye. He reached forward and picked it up. It was the blueprints for the electrobombs, the hammer prints just below them. Her handwriting was messy, but discernable. It had written at the top of the paper, 'for the bitch boy???'. He let out a soft chuckle and placed the papers back down.

He missed the stupid nicknames they'd call each other. Dickface, asshole, bitch boy and whore, hell, even asshamper. Kokichi chuckled softly to himself as he reminisced on old memories. It had barely been two weeks since she'd gone... but it still felt so... fresh.

Some other blueprints showed possible Monokuma designs, like she was trying to figure out how he worked. Kokichi continued walking, and accidentally kicked a tin can on the floor, sending it clattering over to another workbench.

He almost jumped at the sudden noise, but calmed down and rolled his eyes. "Jeez Miu. Would it really be that hard to be tidy once in a while?" Though he supposed he was being rather hypocritical, based on the state of his own dorm room. Even so, he spoke out loud as if she was in the room with him.

He walked over to the can and picked it up and placed it on the workbench.

Beside the workbench was a metal slab, about the same size as a human figure. On the workbench was an entire description of Kiibo. Kokichi picked it up. He scanned it for a moment, but then noticed another print underneath it. He placed the other one down to look at the one underneath.

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