twenty - two

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Shuichi stared at his reflection displayed in the mirror on his desk. The shower was running, and a faint humming could be heard from the other side of the door. The detective sighed and rubbed his eyes.

The water shut off. Shuichi waited patiently for Kokichi to get dressed and come out so that he could have a shower, too. The stickiness of sex and sweat hung on their bodies and they had to scrub away the scent of their sins before meeting the rest of the students for their evening meal.

It wasn't long before Kokichi came out, priding wet hair for the third time that day. He held his towel in his hand.

"I believe this is yours." He threw it over to Shuichi, who caught it gratefully.

Kokichi nodded only once. "I'll meet you in the dining hall, 'kay? And remember that it was just a coincidence that you and I decided to shower at the same time. In different dorms."
"Got it. See you later."
"See you, beloved." Kokichi winked and left the room. Shuichi nibbled at his bottom lip, his cheeks still a fair shade of red.

He stood up from the chair and walked over to the door, locked it behind Kokichi, and made his way over to the bathroom. He'd have to make it quick unless he wanted to miss dinner. He opened the door and stepped inside, and moved to the shower to turn it back on. The room was sauna-like, steamy. So Kokichi had hot showers, too. Shuichi dropped the towel over the rack just outside of the shower for easy access after he was finished. In doing so, his eye caught a little something on the mirror.

He turned to look at it.

A little heart. No bigger than the palm of his hand, drawn on the foggy surface of the mirror. Shuichi stared at the little piece of art. He bit the inner of his lower lip as he gazed at it, a coy smile hidden in the undertones of his expression.

Slowly, almost hesitantly, Shuichi stepped over to the mirror. He gazed at the love heart for a few seconds more, before he brought one hand up to the steamy surface. With a steady hand, he drew another, small heart next to it; resulting in two little hearts painted daintily onto the mirror. Shuichi stepped back to observe Kokichi and his little piece of artwork.

'Cute.' He thought, walking backwards to the shower, turning it on and stepping inside, the searing water only accentuating the blush on his face.

——— ☆ • ♧ •  :🃏: • ♧ • ☆ ———

Kokichi came into the dining hall with a self-assertive strut. As per usual, Kiibo and Miu were there. Gonta, Tsumugi and Himiko were there too, and Gonta was kindly helping Himiko get over her fear of bugs by letting a ladybird climb across her fingers. Miu seemed to be tinkering with a fork and some sort of screwdriver-esque device that she had seemingly made by herself. Kiibo watched her, tapping a robotic finger on his cheek. Miu's tongue stuck out of the corner of her mouth in divine concentration as she pushed the bent fork into the device.

"The fuck are you doing?" Kokichi asked.
"Gah! Jesus Mary and your mom! When the hell did you get here?!" Miu jumped. Her jolt made the fork drive right into the screwdriver and send golden sparks shooting out every way as the machine whirred with an excruciating noise. Tsumugi covered her face to protect herself. "No! Shit! You asshole! Look at what you've done!"

Kokichi snorted and clapped a hand over his mouth. Himiko jumped, causing the ladybird to buzz away.

"Miu! Careful! Put that down, it could be dangerous!" Kiibo frantically took the machine away from Miu's hands, just as the whirring died in the heart of the device.
"Dickhead! Scarin' me like that! Now my baby is broken!" Miu wailed, distraught and grieving over a measly invention that she called her 'baby'.
"Doesn't look like it does much anyway. What does it do, pick up pasta like some sort of ninja on a ceiling fan?"
"Shut it you prick!"

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