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Shuichi couldn't decide whether he resented Kokichi more or less after the events of the previous night. He hated how Kokichi held such a tight grasp on him, but how could he hate him after what had happened? Shuichi knew at this point that his feelings to Kokichi were more than platonic. No, they had no platonic relationship in the first place.

Shuichi was falling for a boy whom he was supposed to hate.

Barely acquaintances. The only thing that could suggest a friendship between the two was the moment between them when hiding from Angie- and the night before. Yet Kokichi was drunk, and he didn't know what he was doing. Right?

Shuichi very much doubted that Kokichi would remember a thing. He was drunk as all hell, but he still had that paranoia eating away at him that maybe, just maybe, Kokichi remembered. And Shuichi knew that it would only end in awkwardness between the two.

He hadn't seen Kokichi all day, and the sun was almost hidden by the horizon. Kokichi had managed to avoid Shuichi all day, and it was adding to Shuichi's growing suspicion that maybe Kokichi did remember his lewd actions, and was ripping himself away from the detective, perhaps in an act of embarrassment or disgust.

In reality, Kokichi sat in blissful ignorance. No, scratch that. It was anything but blissful. Kokichi was chewing away at his cheek, anxiously trying to remember anything about that night. So far a few memories had resurfaced, those being the memory of cutting open his hand, and the image of Shuichi shirtless. Which, only made Kokichi even more tense.

Shuichi was shirtless. Kokichi had woken up in Shuichi's room, in bed with him, in his clothes. It didn't make sense to Kokichi, as he was missing vital pieces of the puzzle. But he was horrified at the thought that perhaps in his drunken state, he had confessed something he didn't mean to.

Shuichi sat on his bed picking his nails, and Kokichi sat in his bed, only a few rooms away, chewing the skin from his cheek.

Both were anxious. Terrified. Unbelievably confused. And the both of them could only think about each other.

Shuichi looked over at the clock. It was almost nine in the evening. Shuichi had his dinner, but Kokichi hadn't been there, Kiibo mentioning at the table that the Supreme Leader still felt too ill to eat.

That wasn't true, of course, as Kokichi was just making excuses so he didn't have to face Shuichi. Nobody else was to know, though.

Shuichi wondered if he and Kaito were going to do the evening workout. They had missed it the night before, obviously.

His thoughts were put on hold as a knocking came from the door.

Shuichi quickly hopped off his bed and made his way to the door, only to open it, and see Kaito and Maki standing there. Kaito had large bags under his eyes, but was smiling as enthusiastically as always.

"Oh- hi Kaito, hi Maki." Shuichi smiled.
"Sidekick! Workout time huh?"
"W-what? Kaito, you look awful..." Shuichi was a little taken aback by Kaito's devotion to the workouts.
"Don't be a bummer! Come on, there's no way I'm missing a day of workouts."
"But you missed yesterday." Shuichi placed one hand on his hip as he kept the other on the door handle. Maki stood a foot or so behind, not saying anything, her lips glued in a thin line.

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