thirty - four

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𝗰𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝗱𝗲 𝗹𝘂𝗻𝗲

Shuichi held the bundled sheets in his arms as he made his way to Kirumi's lab. The sun had only just risen, and the morning announcement was yet to go off. Kokichi had stayed in bed, completely shattered and sleepy from last night's events. Shuichi had covered him with a blanket stored in his closet and left as quietly as possible.

Shuichi did feel rather bad. Their affairs had escalated from the last time, and with Kokichi still healing from the wounds...

He shook off the penitent thoughts and pushed the lab door open with his shoulder. It was the only room with fresh sheets, washing machines and dryers. A fresh linen scent wafted around him... it was comforting.

The early sunlight rays shone through the royal windows of the lab, adding to the homely feel of the room.

He huffed and dropped the sheets into a wicker basket, picking said basket up and making his way over to the machines. He shoved the sheets in and lazily clicked and turned a few knobs. He picked up the laundry detergent and opened the drawer.

There was something on his mind.

He poured the detergent in and shut it, setting the temperature and clicking the 'on' button. The machine waited for a moment, but began to whir as the water shot inside.

Shuichi sighed and leant against the driers.

The note. It had been on his mind for a while now, and he was struggling to decide when to bring it up to Kokichi. He obviously remembered writing it, if he remembered almost dying. But he hadn't mentioned it at all, and it was starting to agitate the detective a little. He bounced his leg and picked at his nails, staring off into space as he thought.

He'd read that stupid note at least twenty times, smiling each time he read it. To see Kokichi say that he loved him... it made his heart flutter like a little kid with a crush.

There was another problem at hand though, too. Kokichi had never outrightly told Shuichi that he loved him. Shuichi didn't totally mind- okay, maybe a little bit. But he didn't want to rush Kokichi into saying it so early on. As much as he wanted to hear those three words, if Kokichi wasn't ready, then he'd give him time.

But it was beginning to pull at his heartstrings.

Shuichi had told him plenty of times that he loved him. But Kokichi had never said it back.

He sighed and forced himself back into reality. He turned and pulled a couple of sheets from the shelf above the driers and dropped them into the wicker basket, turned on his heel, and left the lab.

He'd give him time.

His mind wandered back to the night before as he steadily stepped down the staircase. Kokichi's previously pallid skin a rosy tint, similar to that of raspberries... his soft frame melting under his touch... the taste of his lips against his...

Shuichi shook his head again. He really should stop thinking about such lewd things, especially at eight in the morning.

He walked down the final flight of stairs, to come to the front entrance, just as Maki walked in. The door creaked behind her. Shuichi looked up at her.

"Ah, good morning Maki."
Maki looked back at him and stopped in her tracks. "Good morning Shuichi. Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah, did you?"

She looked down to the side momentarily, but back up again to meet Shuichi's eye.
"Well, it was rather hard to get to sleep when your neighbours were going at it for half an hour, but other than that, I slept rather well."

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