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Shuichi slammed his dorm door behind him, immediately turning to lean against it. His hand wavered on the handle, the other one reaching up to grab his hat, tossing it onto his bed.

"What the hell?" Shuichi whispered under his breath, his heart pounding against his rib cage.

Shuichi ran his hand through his hair, flicking the door handle and locking it shut. He sighed, and rubbed his eyes with the balls of his palms.

"What the hell. What the hell?" He kept whispering under his breath, all the while trying to ignore how he could feel the heat from his cheeks warming his hands.

Shuichi pushed himself off the door, stumbling over to the bathroom in his confused daze. He placed his hand on the door and pushed it open. He walked over to the sink and placed both of his shaking hands on either side of the basin, and looked directly at himself in the mirror.

He couldn't deny his blush. It was staring him right in the face, an embarrassingly dark shade of red. His heart continued to hammer inside him, not stopping nor giving him a break. Shuichi's entire body felt warm, his hands turning a little clammy against the cold, white sink.

He glared at his reflection, seeing an unfamiliar side of himself, one he had never seen before.

Perhaps that was the reason- that Shuichi had no idea what was going on.

"What the hell?" He repeated for the nth time, bringing his hand up again and running his fingers through his hair, tracing it down to rest on his burning cheek.

Heart pounding. Cheeks burning. Hands sweating. Composed nature faltering. Stomach queasy. Things Shuichi very rarely experienced.

In fact, the only times Shuichi experienced those symptoms, was during a panic attack, or when he was ill. The latter being fairly uncommon for Shuichi.

His hot breath steamed up the mirror in front of him, fogging his reflection.

"God's sake." Shuichi pulled his hands up and rubbed them over his face and slapped his cheeks, the feeling inside him stressing him out more than he had anticipated. His cheeks stung from where he slapped them, but the colour most likely couldn't get any more red, no matter how many times he slapped them.

"If Kokichi made me ill I'm going to kill him." He mumbled to himself, thinking out loud.

Shuichi unbuttoned his outer jacket, flinging it over the edge of the bathtub, leaving him only in his white shirt tucked into his trousers. He still felt uncomfortably hot, and pulled his shirt up to untuck it.

He walked back into the main room of his dorm and kicked his shoes off, leaving them by his desk. Running his fingers for the tenth time through his hair, he flopped down onto his bed and groaned into the covers surrounding him.

A detective who can't even understand his own feelings. How ironic.

——— ☆ • ♧ •  :🃏: • ♧ • ☆ ———

Knock knock knock.

The sound of knocking at the door startled Shuichi awake. He gasped and brought his head up quickly, his hair falling into his eyes. He spluttered and scrunched them shut, wiping away his hair from his face and letting his eyes adjust to the light a little better through the backs of his eyelids.

"Shumaiiii! Are you in there? Have you been murdered?" The knocking at the door started up again.

"Murdered..?" Shuichi whispered to himself, rolling over onto his back, and pushing himself up to swing his legs over the side of his bed. It had been swelteringly hot the previous night, and Shuichi was still dressed in his shirt and trousers. After he hit the bed- well, it didn't take long for Shuichi to doze off.

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