thirty - two

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Nobody knew how Kokichi would react. Would he be thankful that his life was saved? Angry? Disappointed? Scared? That was the thing with Kokichi; he was unpredictable. Nobody could fathom a guess as to how he would respond to it.

Would he even remember anyway? Undoubtedly, it was better that he didn't remember. Like he'd said, ignorance is bliss.

But, not everything goes well. The first day in the godforsaken school had started a chain reaction of bad luck, knocking the students down like dominoes in more ways than one.

Shuichi amicably coaxed Kaito into the room. Maki stayed outside, refusing to go in, refusing to so much as look at Kokichi. Nobody could really blame her.

So, Kaito, with sweaty palms, slowly walked into the room, Shuichi following close behind with a hopeful glint in his eye.

Kokichi was still being bombarded with questions by the girls, but Kiibo quickly pulled them out of the room so that Kaito and Kokichi could be alone to talk.

They walked past Kaito and Shuichi, leaving the room and letting the door shut behind them. Kaito looked awkwardly down at the floor, avoiding eye contact.

The room fell silent.

Well, it was now or never.

"Hi Kaito." Kokichi spoke.
"Come on," Shuichi whispered, "you're strong." Patting Kaito's back reassuringly. Kaito just needed to stay spirited. After all, what was the worst that could happen?

Shuichi walked past Kaito to sit himself down on the chair beside the bed. Kaito struggled to tear his eyes away from the floor beneath his feet. It was strange to see Kaito so timid.

"Listen... I'm sorry. Not just for almost killing you, but for losing my word."
"Oh yeah?" Kokichi replied.
"I told everyone... I told myself that I'd never become a killer. I'd stay strong for you guys, keep my head above the water. So I'm sorry. For breaking my word..."

Kaito finally looked up and locked eyes with Kokichi.

"And for almost-"
"Oh no. Oh no no- oh no."

Kaito watched as Kokichi's eyes turned from their usual bubbly purple to a glazed, alarmist plum tone.
"What's wrong?" Shuichi asked, turning his head from Kaito to Kokichi.

Kokichi felt his stomach drop.

It all came flooding back. The fight, the plan, the hangar and the crossbow... the wind-whistling shots and the profound fear, the poison; the claustrophobic press and the desolate void of the end. It all came back. Kokichi hadn't remembered at first; he was just too caught up in the bliss of being alone with Shuichi. But now, seeing Kaito's face, eyes guilty and contrite, it had all come back. This wasn't just a normal day with Shuichi, no. This was the day after he cheated death.

"No- no. This- can't be happening."
"I- you were supposed to kill me! To end this game!" Kokichi felt panic rise in his chest, his tone growing more distressed with each word.
"Hey," Shuichi leaned to grab his hand, but Kokichi pulled it away.

"No- Shuichi! Why did you- why?" Kokichi stared at him, his eyes glazed with terror.
"I couldn't just let you die, hey, it's o-"
"No- no, I was supposed to die! This was supposed to end- I did it for you!"

Kaito closed his eyes and dropped his head without saying a word.

"I- I was ending the game!"
"Listen, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. We don't need to worry about ending the game. We just need to worry about getting you back on your feet."
"No-" Kokichi tried to drag himself further away, to the centre of the bed, accidentally catching the bandages around his torso that he hadn't noticed. He gasped in pain, the gauze scraping across the still open wound.
"Kokichi, stop!" Shuichi lurched forward to grab his arm, but despite the pain, Kokichi pulled away.

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