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Kokichi groaned and buried his face into the warm pillows beside him.

His head felt like it was about to explode.

"Ugh- what the fu-?" He blinked his eyes open, adjusting to the light filtering in through the blinds. He felt tangled... in something. He squeezed his eyes shut again, the pounding in his head intensifying greatly.

Despite being lay down, Kokichi felt like his body was spinning in circles. He gently reopened his eyes, and as the wariness faded, he caught a glimpse of what exactly he was 'tangled' in. Not just that, but the 'pillow' his head was resting on.

It was Shuichi. Kokichi almost jumped with surprise. His head was resting on Shuichi's chest.

Their limbs were entangled in a confusing puzzle under the covers, which were mainly covering Shuichi. Kokichi felt his heart stop for a few moments.

Oh shit.

'What do I do?!'

Kokichi panicked. Why was he in Saihara's room? Why was he in his bed? Why was he in bed with him, of all people?!

Shuichi stirred a little in his sleep, and Kokichi froze.

'I need to get out of here.'

Kokichi slithered away from Shuichi, who had one arm around him. He gently removed his legs from under the covers, clenching his jaw intensively. He watched, to make sure Shuichi didn't wake up.

Shuichi himself was sprawled out on the bed, his hair scattered across his face and on the pillow below him. He emitted soft, quiet snores with each shallow breath. Kokichi stared at his sleeping figure for a moment. Shuichi sure was a pretty sleeper. Kokichi shook his head, which proved to be a bad idea. He groaned and held his head, panicking again when he noticed Shuichi stir at the noise.

He needed to get out of there, fast. Kokichi stumbled to the door, realising his pants were way too long. He looked down to see dusty blue pyjamas. They were not his.

'Holy shit. What did I do?'

Kokichi's pyjamas were a dark purple. And they actually fit him. God, he was wearing Shuichi's pyjamas, in Shuichi's bed, in Shuichi's arms. He was down bad.

Kokichi gently twisted the doorknob, and tiptoed out of the room and into the lobby.

A foul smell hit him as soon as he left the room. He turned around after gently closing the door, both to prevent Shuichi from awakening and to not make any extra noise that might intensify the horrible headache. Even a little click of a door could send a bullet right through his brain.

Miu was in the middle of the lobby, cleaning the floor, with Tenko stood over her.

"That's right! Clean it all up! Himiko has emetophobia!" Tenko folded her arms. Kokichi noticed Maki watching from her dormitory room with a slight smile on her face. She noticed Kokichi staring, and her smile quickly turned into a stern frown, and she turned back into her room and shut the door. Kokichi blinked at the closed door, and then turned back to Miu and Tenko.

"I don't give a shit about her stupid-ass phobia, let me go back to bed!" Miu cried, still scrubbing the floor on her hands and knees.
"Maybe this'll teach you! No more alcohol!"

Ohh, so that's why Kokichi woke up in Shuichi's bed with absolutely no recollection of the nights events. Wait. He had no recollection of the nights events. This was bad. No, forget bad, this was absolutely terrifying. Had Kokichi said something- done something- that he'd regret?

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