thirty - three

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❕ᴄᴡ: ɴꜱꜰᴡ❕

Shuichi hummed an arbitrary tune as he held Kokichi's forearm, dabbing the soaked cotton wool on his upper arm.

It had been three days.

They'd kept together, following their simple daily routine of waking up together, getting breakfast in bed and sitting together for a few hours, usually whilst Shuichi read a mystery novel or two. They'd started to eat their dinner in the dining hall with the others, though Kokichi clearly still distanced himself from the assassin, who gripped her fork unnervingly tight whenever Kokichi entered the room.

Kokichi, over those three days, had grown accustomed to the smell of coffee. Every morning he'd wake up to the lavender-coffee aroma surrounding him, and the warmth of his lover beside him.

The bandages were changed every four hours, re-cleaned and dressed in bandage and gauze. Shuichi would let Kokichi leave them uncovered for an hour or two during the day to let air get to it.

He sat on the countertop in the bathroom as Shuichi tended to the healing wound on his upper arm.

The pain was a little more bearable. Kokichi swung his legs, dressed in only his boxers and Shuichi's pyjama top. The sleeve was rolled up, but Shuichi had to keep pushing it back up to stop it from falling down.

"Is it feeling better?"
"Mhm. It still stings though."

Shuichi grabbed the gauze patch and placed it over the arrow wound, and wrapped the bandage around it with care. Shuichi was always gentle with Kokichi's wounds, which meant he was slow, too. Kokichi impatiently nibbled at his fingernails on his free hand.

The faint hum of the bedside lamp illuminated the bathroom. It was evening, the sun had long since set, and everyone was back in their dormitories for the night.

"Are we gonna go to bed after this?"
"You can, if you'd like. I still need to have a shower." Shuichi replied, slipping the safety pin through the bandage.
"Oh." Kokichi looked down at his knees.

Truth be told, Kokichi had been waiting. It had been a while since he and Shuichi had experienced any sort of intimate affair, and to be fair, they had their reasons. But Kokichi was bored, and quite frankly, suffering from an ample amount of pent up sexual tension. Shuichi hadn't made a move at all, he hadn't done anything more than a simple kiss on the cheek or lips. They'd almost slipped into a couple of make out sessions, but nothing ever really came from it.

The first and last time that the two experienced sex was arguably the best and most pleasurable day of Kokichi's life. He knew he was still hurt, he knew he needed to get better... but he also needed him. It felt like it had been too long.

"What's wrong? You look like you want to say something." Shuichi said, letting go of Kokichi's arm and stepping to the side to place the first aid items back into the box.
"Oh, it's nothing." Kokichi mumbled, staring at his thighs which were partially covered by Shuichi's draping top.
"You sure?" Shuichi asked, looking back at Kokichi as he closed the lid.
"Mhm." Kokichi didn't look up.

Shuichi had a feeling that something was up. He felt like there was something Kokichi wasn't telling him.

"Hey," he stepped in front of Kokichi, "you can tell me anything, you know."
Kokichi sighed, "I know."
"Then let me know what's bothering you. Maybe I can help."

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