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Shuichi followed Kokichi into the kitchen after an awkward minute of silence and confusion. He had no idea what Miu and Kokichi were talking about, and he didn't really care. He just wanted coffee.

Speaking of coffee, Shuichi remembered a certain forfeit that Kokichi had to carry out. He smirked to himself knowingly and strutted over to the shorter boy, who was busy getting milk and cereal.

"Kokichi." Shuichi stood behind Kokichi. He turned to look up at him. Shuichi shook his head at the birds nest that was Kokichi's hair.
"Hi Shumai. Do you need anything?" He asked.
"I do. You haven't forgotten what forfeit you have, have you?"

Kokichi scrunched his eyebrows together in momentary confusion. Shuichi couldn't hold back a smile as he watched as Kokichi's face fell with the remembrance.

"You were serious!?" Kokichi slumped forward, baffled.
"Sure was. I'm looking forward to my coffee."
"But- Shuichi! You can't do this, I don't even know how to make coffee!" He flung his arms up in bewilderment and exasperation.
"I taught you how, remember? Come on, you can do it." Shuichi smiled.
"No! The smell of coffee is gross. You can't do this to me, that's not what nice people do!"
"When did I ever claim to be nice?" Shuichi placed his hands on his hips.

Kokichi knew he wasn't about to get out of it.

"I'm not a barista!" He mumbled, irritation clear-cut in his tone. Shuichi rolled his eyes with a mellow smile.

There was a large bag of coffee beans next to the machine. Kokichi opened it, eyed the machine to figure out where the beans went, and poured them in with an exaggerated sigh, making sure Shuichi knew he was not having a good time. Shuichi didn't care.

"This is dumb."

Shuichi didn't respond, instead watching as Kokichi filled the filter with water from the faucet. Kokichi side-eyed him to spot any reaction, but Shuichi was as stone-faced as a statue, save from a slither of a smile.

Kokichi huffed and put the filter back into the machine. He needed a mug. He walked over to the cupboard, next to the refrigerator. It was quite high up. Kokichi braced himself for embarrassment and went up on tiptoes and opened the cupboard.

"Are you serious?!" Kokichi stared at the mugs, which were all on the highest shelf. He turned to Shuichi. "Did you do this?" He pointed at the mugs. Shuichi shrugged with a sly smirk. Kokichi scoffed. "I can't believe you."

Kokichi went back up onto tiptoes and extended his arm as far as it would go, wiggling his fingers to try and reach any of the mugs. He was only a few inches away- maybe if he-

Shuichi stepped forward and took one of the mugs from the cupboard, and held it over to Kokichi. Kokichi stared at Shuichi, and didn't take the mug.

"You have some real audacity, Saihara." Kokichi snatched the mug and immediately turned away. Shuichi laughed.
"Pfh! Whatever, whatever. Not like you could've reached that mug anyway, I'm pretty sure you'd be even more mad if I got you a step stool or something."
"I'm not a baby. I can do things for myself." Kokichi huffed.
"You're not a baby. But you're not much taller than one."
Kokichi whipped his head around, furious. "Watch it!"

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