thirty - eight

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𝘀𝗲𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲
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There was nothing Kokichi wanted more than to be in the podium next to Shuichi. It felt like they were much too far away, and all he wanted to do was hold his hand. He kept his hands tight on the podium in front of him to ease his trembling palms that were clammy against the cold metal.

If Shuichi could swap places with Himiko, he would. He'd be right next to Kokichi, right by his side, just like he wished to be. He too was almost shaking, stricken with what could only be described as pained despair.

They knew that the place wasn't real. But for the confirmation? To know that they signed up to join and commit such heinous acts? It was nothing less than revolting. Shuichi bit his tongue as a video played on a screen above Monokuma's throne.

"If I was going to be in Danganronpa... I would want to be... the Ultimate Magician. I'd kill someone with an elaborate magic trick!"

Himiko held a palm over her mouth as she watched herself audition for the role. Though, she seemed just as upset to realise that she was in fact not a real mage.

The next video clicked on.

"Um. Hi? Is it recording?" A quiet 'yes' came from the video.
"Oh- okay then. Hi! My name is Kokichi Ouma. I'm auditioning for the fifty-third season of Danganronpa. If I get to be in the show, I want to be the Ultimate Supreme Leader. I'd say my biggest idol is Celestia Ludenburg. Trust me when I say I'll be the best killer ever. I've studied this show for ages so I know all the tricks in the book. If I got the role, I'd be the next Nagito Komaeda, seriously. I know there has never been an Ultimate Supreme Leader before, so it will add something totally new. People are gonna love it. So... yeah. Thanks."

The screen flickered black. A singular bead of sweat rolled down Kokichi's forehead. He felt sick.

"So? How do you like that? Are you feeling despair set in? Perhaps you're brimming with hope and awaiting to escape! Oh, oh, I can't hold back!" Tsumugi was practically on the brink of bursting, her hands clasped together and her eyes desperately despaired.

"Gh-" Kaito slammed his hands down on the podium in front of him. "Stop screwing around! This is a joke! A sick joke!"
"Oh, I see you're poising on hope and despair, Kaito! How wonderful." Tsumugi giggled. "But I do assure you, this is no joke! Once you all vote, you'll be thrown back into the world you know so little about now! Isn't that just exciting."
"Fuck you and fuck this game." Maki hissed.

Himiko cried silently into her palms. Kokichi couldn't say anything, Kaito's eyes were burning with fury and betrayal, Maki was seething with rage but hiding the fear that dwelled within, Shuichi was emotionless, empty, and hollow.

Kiibo was... well, Kiibo was... not himself. Not anymore.

"I wont allow despair to win." Kiibo muttered.
"That's the spirit!" Tsumugi clapped.
"So Kiibo was just a toy to you." Kokichi mumbled.
"Why of course not! He is the fans' way of communicating! Your fans!" Tsumugi gestured around the circle at them all. "Three months after you leave this show, your names will be known worldwide, just as you always wanted! And why, Kokichi!" Tsumugi's eyes stopped on him. "You were right all along! You really are the next Nagito Komaeda! Hell, you may even surpass him! You will be a national fave!" She laughed. Kokichi gritted his teeth and went quiet.

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