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So... where to even begin.

39 chapters and 154,512 words later, this story comes to an end. Did you guys like it?

As I write this, this book is unpublished. I have no clue how many reads this book will have, nor what people will think of it.

I started this book on the 4th of January 2022, and I'm finishing it now in mid-April. It's been a wild and long ride! I've worked on this book every day without fail for 102 days straight.

Now... I did want to write a sequel... but unfortunately that will not happen.

This is where my wattpad/AO3 road comes to an end. It's been fun! I've loved reading all of your amazing comments and laughing at the jokes you make, but from here on out, writing and I are going our separate ways.

Life changes, and for me, that applies especially well. I've started at a new college, which is one of the best in my country (yay!). I've made new friends, my life is moving forward...

And I just don't have time for writing anymore.

I'm fine with that. It's been a fun journey, but the sun must always set.

About the book, however...

Some things could've gone totally different. Like in the chapter where Kaede dies; the first thing I wrote was that Kokichi and Shuichi got along instead of that argument. So the story could've been swung in a complete different direction.

A lot of detail has gone into this story. From the order of the pictures at the start of the chapters, to the references about Kokichi saying 'I'm not a barista', jokes on you Kokichi, yes you are. Even Kokichi's first words to Shuichi were the same. I don't know if any of you have noticed parallels I have made, but if you have, props to you!

Now for the sequel- I did plan it out... so here it is.


Obviously everyone's alive lol. And about Kiibo- he's also alive (as alive as a robot can be) and working as a danganronpa mascot of sorts. He remembers everything from the game and occasionally visits the coffee shop Miu and Kokichi work at. Kokichi loves to tease Miu about her 'coffee crush' because she can't tear her eyes away from him every time he comes in.

Miu has a boyfriend. It's a whole arc I planned out and I won't get into, but he isn't a nice guy. She'd have a happy ending though.

Shuichi and Kokichi (believe it or not) are unknowingly neighbours. Kokichi moved in just before the game began so he hadn't met Shuichi yet, hence why they don't know each other.

Shuichi and Kokichi fall in love pretty quickly, as they'd already fallen in love. When they watched the replay of the game, there was a bit of arguing about Kokichi's 'false' love for him. Kokichi can't really defend his game self because he doesn't remember the game, and doesn't remember that it was all a lie. Clever production makes it seem like Kokichi really is a cold hearted guy who doesn't love Shuichi. Though it's revealed soon enough what his true feelings are, and Shuichi isn't so upset anymore.

I don't know where else it'd go.


Random headcanons I'd use-

- Kaede and Kokichi become really good friends. They loved playing just dance and trying to get Shuichi to play, but he's too shy to. They tease him a lot.

- Shuichi is working and his hair getting in his face and it annoys him and Kokichi thinks it's the cutest thing ever.

- Shuichi studies criminal psychology at university and he gets it 4 free cuz he got a scholarship!

- the cast have a say in their character's past lives and what they want to be in the game. Here are Kokichi Miu and Shuichi's—-

- Shuichi's uncle is still his uncle. When doing the interview he wanted to keep the same role with his uncle because his parents are dead lmao

- Also, Shuichi's parents died in a car crash when he was four, so he requested to have parents in the game. Jokes on him because they didn't like him

- Kokichi had a terrible upbringing and requested to have memories of being in a care home because he wanted at least one opportunity in his life to have a good childhood, even if it wasn't real.

- Miu requested to be sexually appealing and very promiscuous since of her degrading sexually abusive BF, she wanted to be loved but she thinks she can only be loved for her body



Writing this book has been awesome. And I hope reading it was, too.

Love you guys (even though I don't know you yet), and thank you for reading my book.

Goodbye everyone! Perhaps I'll meet you again when the sun rises.

Marie <3

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