twenty - four

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𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗮 𝗹𝗶𝗲

Shuichi bit the innards of his lip, the copperish taste of blood barely evident on his tongue. He bounced his leg up and down, waiting, waiting, waiting for Kokichi to turn up.

He'd made his decision, and he wasn't about to back out. He'd done enough sheepish escapes from situations like this, but he was determined. He was going to confess.

It was strange, confessing love after such intimacy. Sex, rough make out sessions, hell, even holding hands, cuddling and hair-playing with chaste kisses on cheeks. It wasn't something you'd typically do with someone you hadn't confessed to. But of course, this wasn't a typical situation.

Shuichi had asked Kokichi to meet him in his dormitory. So, there he was, sitting at his desk eyeing the door, waiting expectantly for Kokichi to barge in and make his presence known without any indication on Shuichi's part. The detective was undeniably terrified. Determined, confident, yet shy and anxious too. He'd waited and waited for Kokichi to make the first move, but he knew it wasn't coming.

It was now or never, and it was Shuichi, or neither at all.


"Oh, hi Shumai! What's up?" Kokichi asked, turning his head to face the door. He was crouched in the AV room, scanning the movies once again, his fingertip dusty from running across the spines of the plastic cases.
"Um... can I talk to you? Later?"

Kokichi stood upright from his bent position to eye Shuichi with a strange glance.

"Later? Why are you asking me that now?"
"Please meet me in my dormitory at one o'clock." Shuichi gulped and looked to the side momentarily. "Please."

Kokichi looked him up and down. Shuichi held a timid stance that was clearly forced upright to try and maintain a confident posture, that was to no avail. He couldn't hide his nervousness.

"Sure? Why so formal of a sudden?"
"It's- nothing. Please just come?"
"I will, I will." Kokichi laughed, confusion ever so faint yet noticeable in his tone.

Shuichi nodded and promptly left, closing the door behind him, leaving Kokichi in the dark room, simply illuminated by the movie screen.

'See? Simple.' He thought, turning on his heel and hastily leaving to escape back to his dormitory.

Yes, Shuichi had rehearsed his conversation. It wasn't unusual, rehearsing conversations calmed his nerves and allowed him to speak clearer in the moment. But now he was realising, sat in his room, that he was clearly uptight. He was embarrassed, but all he could do now was wait.

The clock ticked upon the wall. Every so often, the detective glanced at it to check the time.

Five to one.

'Hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up...' Shuichi droned on in his mind, his leg never ceasing to bounce, his teeth never ceasing to nip at his lips.

Time seemed to pass slower than usual. Seconds became minutes and minutes became hours.

Perhaps Kokichi wasn't going to come.

Shuichi could already feel himself overthinking, and knew it wasn't about to end well unless Kokichi walked through that door right now and put his restless mind to ease.

He withdrew a sharp intake of breath as he bit down a little too hard on the inside of his cheek. Had he ever felt this anxious before? Why now?

Two minutes until one o'clock.

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