twenty - nine

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𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝗮𝘆 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗺𝗲𝘀

What do you do when you know that you can't be saved?

What do you do when you lose all hope?

Shuichi had yet to figure that out.

Where to even begin?

The students had decided on trying the tunnel. It seemed like the safest option. And surprisingly, Kokichi wasn't lying when he said that the hammers would get them through the tunnel. He'd given them a button too, presumably to open the door when they came to the finish line. It worked perfectly; and the students were pumped. They were finally starting to see the future, hope coursing through their bodies.

But no; Kokichi couldn't have it all end there.

They'd tried to escape, only to find ruins of what the world once was. Fire, destruction and unbreathable air. That unbreathable air had caused them to black out.

When they finally came to, they were all on the cold floor, heads banging and chests aching from the disgusting outside air. But Shuichi- he woke up to someone standing over him, watching him with an emotion he couldn't discern. They walked away before Shuichi could register who it was. It didn't take long for him to recognise that it was Kokichi, when he'd fully awoken.

They'd groggily stumbled to their feet. The door had been shut, thankfully, and lo and behold; Kokichi was stood with a grin, holding the remote. With the Exisals all around him.

Kaito obviously tried to resort to just punching Kokichi and knocking him out. It didn't go as expected as he was swept up by an Exisal.

All hope had fizzled into despair as the students solemnly left the tunnel, unable to help Kaito.

It was exactly what they didn't want to happen. Not only were they unable to leave- they were unable to fight Monokuma. There would be no point fighting when all that was left for them was a hellscape.

Kaito was dragged to the hangar.

And that was the last Shuichi had seen of Kokichi.

He didn't know what was going to go on behind those walls, but he was scared.

So, he was sat in an armchair in his lab whilst the fireplace warmed the room, his forehead resting on his palm. He didn't know what to do. What to resort to. But he did have someone to resort to.

"I'm just worried that Kaito will do something dumb and get himself killed." Shuichi sighed.

The fire crackled at the front of the room, the dancing light tinting the room with an orange hue. It would've been enjoyable, comforting. After all, it was exactly what Shuichi loved. Crackling fire, book in hand. Obviously, he wasn't in a situation to be so laid back.

Maki eyed the poisons on the shelves and in the cabinets.

"I get what you mean. I'm worried too. He might not look like Kokichi can overpower him, but I'm concerned about that illness. It's made him weak." She murmured, skimming the labels as she picked up each bottle and replaced it down with care.

"I feel like this is all my fault." Shuichi sighed and rubbed his eyes.
"I was completely blinded by the Kokichi that I saw. I know now that it was just a facade... I think." He murmured the latter sentence under his breath. "But maybe if I'd seen the real side to him before, then all of this could've been prevented."
"I assure you, none of us would've seen this coming." Maki turned around to face him. "We all thought he was some annoying kid who picked fights and manipulated and lied simply for the fun of it. Well, I always had a bad feeling, but not everyone thought that much about it."

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