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Predator or Prey


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Heavy fog blocked Selene's vision as she, the Company and Bard stood in the man's boat on their way to wherever Bard had planned to take them to. In the fog, the lake was blurred like an old painting. All she could see was streaks of grey and blemishes of white from the clouds surrounding them. When the boat would break through them, she'd then see chunks of ice that floated in the water, it moved away when Bard rowed the boat further into the mist.

Selene could tell that it was cold for the dwarves and Bilbo, who were all huddled amongst themselves to keep warm. She felt bad for Bilbo. She wished had brought along one of her cloaks but she figured she did not need it. Her dragon abilities kept her warm after all.

Bard continued to work with his boat, grunting every now and then. He pushed the boat through another dark cloud of fog, stone buildings that have been mostly demolished appeared and the boat was heading straight toward it.

"Watch out!" Bofur yelped, clinging onto the ropes of the sails.

Bard moved out of the way in time. It was almost like he was used to this. Selene assumed this was what he did for a living.

She and the dwarves were distracted by the wrecked pillars and buildings. They were definitely not torn down by a man. It was something much, much bigger.

Thorin's voice broke her out from her thoughts, "What are you trying to do, drown us?" He accused.

"I was born and bred on these waters, master dwarf. If I wanted to drown you, I would not do it here." Bard answered, looking directly at Thorin while steering the boat.

The dwarf king was left speechless, he could only stare at the man in silence. His eyes quickly moved over to Selene's figure who stood on the opposite side of him. Her back faced him as she stood with her arms crossed, looking out into the lake.

"Oh, I've had enough of this lippy lakeman." complained Dwalin. "I say we throw him over the side and be done with it."

Bilbo shook his head, annoyed of the dwarf's complaints. "Oh, Bard. His name's Bard."

"How do you know?" Bofur asked.

"Ah, I asked him." Bilbo sassed. What kind of dumb question was that? He and Bard were chatting for a bit when the dwarves moved to the front of the boat to do their own things.

"I don't care what he calls himself. I don't like him."

"We do not have to like him. We simply have to pay him." Balin spoke, tired of his brother's ranting. "Come on now, lads. Turn out your pockets." The dwarves grumbled and begrudgingly gave up their coins.

"How do we know he won't betray us?" Dwalin asked, still not trusting the man at all.

"We don't." Thorin answered him, his tone just as low as his friend's.

Selene finally grew tired of their bad talking and turned on her heel with a huff, catching the attention of everyone on the boat. "Oh enough of that already!" She glared at Thorin and Dwalin who instantly shut their mouths. "I am tired of hearing you two go back and forth. The man is helping us cross the lake, which will get us closer to our destination, by the way. So, do me a favor and keep quiet!" Her eyes glowed brightly in anger at her last two words.

The dwarves, Bilbo and Bard all looked at her. Shocked. She was quiet for the most part until now. The Company had never heard her talk like that since after the Thunder Battle between the three stone giants they were on.

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