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Predator or Prey


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"Dol Guldur." Gandalf's blue eyes stared upon the stony hill where the ruins stood clouded by darkness. "The Hill of Sorcery."

Radagast, who was not too far behind the tall wizard, studied the hill with hard eyes. "It looks completely abandoned." He gripped onto his staff a little tighter. Something was not right about the fortress.

Bare trees poked around the ruins, from the inside and out. Dark fog circled around the hill, making it look as if it was abandoned. As if it hadn't been touch in many years.

"As it is meant to." Gandalf replied, his eyes never leaving the image in front of him. "A spell of concealment lies over this place... which means our enemy is not yet ready to reveal himself. He has not regained his full strength." He turned to his friend quickly, "Radagast, I need you to carry a message to the Lady Galadriel. Tell her we must force his hand."

"What do you mean?" Radagast asked, he was at his friend's side now. His forehead creased, as his eyes showed worry.

Gandalf replied, "I'm going in alone. On no account come after me." He placed his hand on the shorter wizard's shoulder." When Radagast walked away, Gandalf added in: "Do I have your word?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" His friend answered, walking down the short hill back where he previously was.

With that, Gandalf proceeded down the stone steps, inching closer towards the hill. Just when he was going to walk across the bridge, Radagast called out to him.

"Wait, Gandalf!" He yelled, "What if it's a trap?"

"Turn around... and do not come back." The grey wizard responded, turning slowly to face his good friend. But, it was only for a brief second because he turned back and told himself, "It's undoubtedly a trap." He unsheathed his sword and continued on with courage.

Once Gandalf reached the inside of Dol Guldur, he took his time to survey his surroundings. Sharp objects stuck out from the walls, chains hung from the upper levels - a few of them had skeletons hanging along with it. Some having the chains looped around their neck or ankles.

When movement reached his ears, he hesitated before following the sound. Due to that, he was unaware of another being watching him from just around the corner.

Gandalf walked through a few more halls of the hill. Rusted metal clung onto the stone walls, creaking loudly when a gust of wind blew by. He felt something strong around him and he knew right away it was the magic that concealed the ruins. And to find out who the enemy was, he had to break the spell.

"The evil that is hidden here... I command it to come forth! I command it reveal itself!" He commanded in Quenyan, raising his staff and slamming it onto the ground. A bright, big orb came from the staff and it blew around the hills, causing stone to clatter and the hill to shake violently. Nothing happened so he went on again in his language, this time walking around the ruins until he would get what he came for.


Unbeknownst to the wizard, packs of orcs and their wargs hid deep down under Dol Guldur. Thanks to the dark magic that concealed them from plain sight. From the wizard above them.

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