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Predator or Prey


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The next day, Selene was woken up from her sleep by movement next to her. She tried to fall back asleep, but couldn't because whatever it was she was resting on, kept moving around.

Her eyes shot open, only to see Thorin sheepishly looking at her. She forgot she had fallen asleep on him the previous night. She figured his arm had gone numb and tried to wriggle it out from under her head, but woke her up instead.

Selene sat up, allowing the dwarf to move his arm around. What she didn't notice was Thorin's kin, who all had been watching the two.

They were woken up by the sound of someone chopping wood outside, so they woke up Gandalf and Thorin. The latter, could not get up at the time. Selene slept on his arm, which she used as a pillow the previous night when she fell asleep on him. She did not move at all, throughout the night, which made Thorin feel awkward and uncomfortable. He wished to move, but did not want to wake up the beauty laying in front of him.

Even before the dwarves woke up their King, he had been sleeping with his other arm slung over Selene's hips. It was an adoring sight for their eyes, never having seen their King so comfortable with a woman before. Especially, not with a woman as strong, beautiful and different like Selene.

The dwarves knew Thorin was starting to develop feelings for her and they were beyond ecstatic. The way he looked at her when he thought no one was watching, anyone who saw could tell there was love blooming in his eyes. And that's what the dwarves always saw. It started with the loving eyes, then the time they spent alone together often. Whether it was a short walk, hunting, anything. Which eventually led the two, to sleeping with or by each other. They always ended up snuggling in a way. Even if they slept one log apart.

This was all new to the dwarves and they were growing onto the somewhat changed Thorin Oakenshield. They liked it. Selene was changing their king in a good way... changing him into an even better man, and they were grateful for that.

"Why didn't you wake me?" Selene slowly blinked. She was still sleepy and rubbed her eyes, unaware of the sound of someone chopping wood. "Your arm has gone numb."

Thorin, now able to move his arm, chuckled lightly. "It is fine now." He got to his feet and held out his hand for the woman to take. She did, after taking a few seconds to run her hands through her tangled hair. The two quickly joined the others gathered in another room.

"Why is he chopping the wood likes he's angry?" Gloin spoke as he watched the man through the window with Bofur.

"I don't know!" Bofur exclaimed, "But I don't like it!"

Gloin pointed at another dwarf, "Maybe he's angry because he heard Dori almost break the fireplace."

"Don't blame me!" retorted the grey-haired dwarf. He and a few others got into another argument, making Selene roll her eyes.

A few of the dwarves wanted to leave, scared of the skin-changing man. It did not help the fact that Beorn also despised dwarves. Gandalf did not want to leave and tried to settle the dwarves down so he could plan out how to introduce themselves to Beorn.

"We have Selene! She can protect us!" Ori argued with a few of the older dwarves who wanted to leave.

Bofur looked at her tongue-tied, "What if he kills her before she can even turn into a dragon!?" He whispered harshly to his kin.

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