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Predator or Prey


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The shouting and wailing of the many people that escaped LakeTown reached Selene's ears as she trudged up the shore. Her ripped dress clung onto her skin, dripping water where it left a long trail after her as she continued to trudge up the shore.

She breathed shakily, letting her eyes roam over the unconscious bodies that spread around the new land they were on. Husbands, wives, children and the elderly all cried out over each other, running toward several different bodies. A few were dead, their skin burnt until they were as dark as coal; or dead because they tried to swim across a freezing, large lake.

Selene did manage to aid a good amount of people across the lake. After her battle against Smaug, she helped a few stragglers who could not make it out of the town with their families - including Bard and Bain. She let them sit on her back, while she used her large body to swim across the lake. When they came across a few others from LakeTown, Bard welcomed them to ride on her.

"Selene!" The dragon-woman heard a feminine voice call out. She turned to her right, to see Tauriel and Bard's two daughters next to her.

They all met halfway, Tilda's small frame slammed into Selene's lower body, where she felt hot tears touch her bare wounded stomach, where her dress was ripped in the middle. Selene let herself comfort the young girl, stroking her hair softly as she gazed at Tauriel.

"You're hurt." The she-elf pointed out, eyeing the open wounds on Selene's body.

She had a long, deep scratch across her nostrils to the corner of her mouth; three claw-like marks from the side of her neck and on her collarbone; cuts and bruises scattered around her arms, and the large gash on her stomach.

Selene did not understand why the elf worried so much about her. Elves did not like her after all. She was surprised when Tauriel showed her kindness after Kíli healed. And she was surprised, yet again, when Tauriel pointed out her wounds.

When Tilda pulled away, Selene patted Sigrid's shoulder to show the older girl a little comfort as well, before replying to the elf, "They will heal."

"Is the dragon dead?" Tauriel asked, leading them away from the others.

Selene sighed softly, "Yes. Bard helped me kill him." Images from the battle flashed in her mind. She remained calm when she felt a tingle on her nose, where the image of Smaug gnawing and her dragon's snout appeared.

"Selene!" Bofur called, running up to her as fast as his short legs could let him. "We must go now." He pointed over to the boat where the other dwarves stood.

The woman grimly nodded, turning to the girls and bid her goodbyes. Tilda's eyes welled up with tears again, before she wrapped her arms around Selene's body, weeping softly.

"Tilda," Selene bent her knees to reach the girl's height, "Do not cry. You will see me again." Her thumbs softly stroked Tilda's cold, wet cheeks while giving her an encouraging smile. "Be strong. For me." She ruffled the girl's hair and stepped away as Sigrid led her sister away to find their father and brother.

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