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Predator or Prey


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The Company had all woken up at dawn. Selene and Gandalf went back to the room where everyone gathered the previous night, to check if Bilbo had signed the contract at all. He did not. The dwarves believed he wouldn't be joining them and began gathering their belongings before heading outside. They all spoke to each other in hushed voices, not wanting to wake up the Shire nor Bilbo.

"What do you mean I cannot fly? I did not know I was to bring a horse!" Selene and Gandalf were doing the same thing the dwarves were - except the packing, since they did not bring anything but themselves and smaller items.

Gandalf shook his head, "You should have! And you need to own at least one horse in your lifetime, Selene."

"I do not own horses. I eat them."

"Selene," Gandalf gave her a warning look, causing her to sigh. Gandalf was a father figure to her and even to this day, she knew she could still be scolded by him. "Go ask the dwarves if you can borrow one of theirs."

Selene didn't reply and turned away, "Ori!" She shouted for the small dwarf.

"Yes, Selene?" He perked up, "Do you need a horse?"

Selene nodded. Ori walked over to where Fíli and Kíli were, saying something to the brothers before pointed back at Selene and nodded. Soon enough, Ori guided the only horse they had to her with a kind smile. She returned it, thanking him for letting her borrow the stallion.

Fifteen minutes later, the Company were now on their way to start their journey. Selene rode in the front, where Gandalf and Thorin also were. She listened to dwarves place a wager on whether Bilbo would eventually show up or not. Most of them said no, and the others said yes. And Selene? She wasn't sure herself.

She remembered how nervous, frightened and excited he felt when he had woken up after fainting. Gandalf and herself both tried to talk him, but he was stubborn and confused on how he felt too. She'd just have to wait and see.

Both Selene and Gandalf lead the Company, Thorin behind them. The two rode peacefully, admiring the small scenery around them.

"Do you think Bilbo will come, Selene?" Gandalf asked, killing the peaceful silence they had.

"I don't know, Gandalf. Do you?" Selene answered after a sigh.

Gandalf took a hit from his weed pipe, exhaling as he nodded. "I do not doubt him."

Selene looked over her shoulder, staring at Thorin who seemed to be in his own little world. Possibly, listening in on her and Gandalf's conversation. But Selene didn't care.

"Wait! Wait!" A loud shout came from behind.

All the dragon-woman heard for the next couple seconds were the dwarves and herself telling their ponies to stop. Everyone turned to look at who was shouting. It was Bilbo.

"I signed it." Bilbo ran over to Balin, out of breath. He was breathing so hard, Selene believed the poor hobbit had ran for such a long time until he reached them.

"Everything seems to be in order." Balin announced, putting the paper away. "Welcome, Master Baggins to the Company of Thorin Oakenshield."

Light laughter came from all around the dwarves who welcomed him. Bilbo met Selene's golden eyes and she gave him a small nod. He returned it with an excited smile.

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