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Predator or Prey


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Bilbo ran as fast he could to get away from Smaug.

He and the dwarves were all working together to slay him, since Selene was not with them. He figured she did not know about what was going on at all. Due to the fact that, she could not see her visions.

Smaug crashed loudly into the wall right above Bilbo, letting out a big roar as he tried to catch the hobbit. He landed on the floor, turning his long neck to try and find the hobbit.

"You think you can deceive me, barrel-rider?" He spat in anger. His hard, fire-colored eyes stared down Bilbo who hid under the large piece of cloth Smaug broke from the wall. "You have come from LakeTown. This is some sordid scheme hatched between these filthy dwarves and those miserable tub-trading Lake-Men." He spoke to himself, his eyes darting back and forth while he thought about the folks from LakeTown. "Those sniveling cowards with their long bows and black arrows. Perhaps it is time I paid them a visit." He finish with a dangerous smile.

Bilbo's heart raced, this was no good. The people of LakeTown were going to be killed because of him and the dwarves. He quickly got to his feet and ran as fast as his little feet could take him.

"This isn't their fault!" said Bilbo, trying to stop the dragon. "Wait!" He shouted, when Smaug did not listen. But, when the large dragon turned his attention to the hobbit, Bilbo continued. "You cannot go to LakeTown!"

"Hmm?" Smaug slithered his long neck between the pillars of the kingdom, baring his razor-sharp teeth at the hobbit. "You care about them, do you? Good." The two stood a cow-length apart. "Then you can watch them die." Smaug grinned dangerously again, then crawled away, leaving Bilbo speechless.

"Here! You witless worm." Thorin's voice boomed and echoed around the empty room. Smaug growled in anger, his scales shook causing a warning, rattling sound.

"You." Smaug hissed.

Thorin stood on the shoulder of a enormous, dwarf statue, staring down the dragon. "I am taking back what you stole."

"You will take nothing from me... dwarf. I laid low your warriors of old." He crawled tauntingly slow toward Thorin. "I instilled terror in the hearts of Men. I am King under the Mountain." He used his back legs to support him as he stood up slowly to face the dwarf.

"This is not your kingdom. These are dwarf lands. This is dwarf gold." Thorin argued, waiting for the right moment to signal his kin to break the statue he stood on. "And we will have our revenge!" He yelled in dwarvish and pulled at a rope, breaking the chains off the statue. His kin followed suit, pulling their own ropes and chains to help the process.

When all of the stone was gone, gold replaced it.

It was the statue of a great, dwarf king, only in pure gold.

Smaug kept his eyes on it, clearly fascinated by the gold in front of him. He gasped lightly, taking it all in, until he heard movement from the statue.

From different spots, gold shot out like a canon. Eventually, the statue began to collapse and melt. Most of it, landing on Smaug and taking him under the pool of gold.

Thorin smiled in victory, when there was no sound from the dragon underneath the pool of gold. However, that was short-lived.

Smaug, all covered up in gold, burst out from the pool roaring.

"Revenge?! Revenge?!" He cried out, "I will show you revenge!" He crawled away quickly and eventually picked himself off the floor and flew.

He slammed through the main entrance of the mountain, that was blocked off by piles of rocks with a growl. Soon, followed by another deafening roar.

He flew up into the sky, spinning gracefully as the specks of gold came off of his scales. It all sprinkled down lightly like rain, and landed on the ground softly like snow.

When his body was clear of all gold, he dropped back down and swooped up again, flying at the perfect height to get to his destination.

"I am... fire." He bared his teeth, menacingly. He flapped his large wings silently and continued. "I am..." His eyes glowed brightly at the sight of LakeTown and snarled.


anddd we've reached the end of Desolation of Smaug! now onto the last movie of the hobbit :)

as well as the fight between Smaug and Selene!!!

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