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Predator or Prey


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The several dwarves that traveled with Thorin to the mountain, all stood outside of the door patiently waiting for Bilbo.

The hobbit was somewhere within the hoard of treasure, searching for the Arkenstone. He was the one that volunteered to help the dwarves reclaim their home, and he was the one they needed to walk through the enormous piles of gold. He was quiet on his feet and would be the one to get the stone successfully.

However, that thought was soon reconsidered when the mountain they stood upon, shook violently.

Nori, Ori and Gloin exclaimed in surprise at the sudden rumble. Ori glanced at the others, wondering if they felt the rumble too.

"Was that an earthquake?" Thorin asked out loud.

Balin slowly rose to his feet, "That, my lad..." He turned to the others. "was a dragon."

Thorin's expression shifted into worry. Worry for the poor hobbit that was stuck in there with the beast and worry for Selene. She strictly told them to not wake Smaug, and now he was.

"We should've waited for Selene!" Dori cried out, clenching his fists at his side. "We're all going to die. Smaug is going to kill us!"

Dwalin turned to him, "Wait for her and risk not being able to open the sealed door?" He scoffed, but anyone that stood around him could tell her was nervous just as the others were.

"Well, if it comes to... Smaug trying to kill us..." Balin gulped. "I hope Selene will come aid us." The older dwarf moved his eyes back over to where he originally faced. In the distance, was LakeTown. He silently hoped that Selene would rush over and kill the evil dragon right away.

They needed her. And they needed her now.


Selene felt Bard's home shake abruptly under her feet.

She and the others paused for a brief moment. She moved away from Kíli's side and rushed over toward Bard, who was looking in the direction of the mountain.

Selene knew exactly what the rumble was, and it made her heart sink to her stomach. As she peered out the window, she took a deep breath and finally said: "He's awake." The dwarves and Bard's family all gazed at her intently. "Smaug's awake."

While Bard tried to calm his children down, Selene's mind raced nervously. She was scared for the other dwarves and Bilbo who were all up on the mountain. But, her anxious nerves soon turned into anger. She specifically told them to not wake Smaug until she and the rest got there. Why didn't they listen to her?

A memory of how Gandalf mentioned they would need a burglar to enter the mountain popped up in her mind and her heart dropped.

"Bilbo!" She rushed out, luckily, no one heard her.

The poor hobbit was most likely stuck with Smaug as she stood there. She hoped that the hobbit could escape from Smaug, before he could kill her friend.

Selene broke away from her thoughts and walked to the door, ready to leave.

"Where are you going?" Bard called out after her, though, he made no movement to follow.

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